𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕌𝕡 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕊𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕓𝕓𝕝𝕖?

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I was dead fucking wrong.

It's been 12 hours.

12 hours of crying.

Mainly Aida...

I may have shed a tear to myself silently at one point.

It's 3am and all I want to do is fall asleep but we can't.

We have to stay awake no matter how fast the sleep fog is creeping up on us.

My eyes are heavy. So much so I'm questioning if they're actually open right now.

"Ev, stay awake." Matt grumbles.

I guess they weren't open.

At his voice they snap open and I look at Aida who for some reason, won't sleep.

Makes my job a little easier I guess.

"How's your shoulder?" Matt asks.

Honestly, through the sleep cloud wanting to take over me and the adrenaline from making sure everyone is okay, I haven't given my shoulder much thought.

Now that I'm thinking about it, the pain seers through me.

Damnit Matt.

"All I did was ask." He mumbles and I realise I said that out loud.

I give him the finger as we descend into silence again.

Actual silence.

"Do you hear that?" I ask and his brows furrow.

"There's no fucking noise you idiot. What the fuck are you hearing?" He scoffs.

"That's my point dipshit." I snap, slightly hitting his shoulder with the back of my hand.

"There's no wind or rain. The storm has died down." I explain, standing up and walking to the back door.

"I'm going to see if there's anyway out of here." I mumble, grabbing the tiny flashlight.

It's not going to do much but it will shed a little light.

"Ev, I looked. There's nothing, it's too steep. If I can't find a way out you won't either." Matt tells me.

"How very 21st century of you." I reply and he rolls his eyes.

"What I mean is, there's nothing your going to see that I didn't." He explains and I scoff.

"Yeah but you looked when the storm was still going. Maybe a tree has fallen down and we can grab onto it or something. So kindly, shut the fuck up." I snap opening the back door.

I walk out the back door and look up at the huge crevasse we're stuck in.

I look back at the Aid Car and see it's pointing to the place we swerved off the road.

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