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Two days later, I'm sat with Ev and Aida watching as the doctor preforms her final exam on Ev before she's discharged later on.

I've spent the last five days here, I haven't been home. When she was intubated for two days, I hardly left the room and figure the one time I do leave the room to go and get Aida after my parents told me I had to, she'd wake up and think I'd left.

If she'd known I'd been there for the two days she was unconscious maybe she wouldn't have been so scared to do the most simple thing like fall asleep rather then worrying I'd disappear when she woke up.

Although I hated every hour of those two days, my ass hardly ever left this chair and I just sat here, waiting for her to wake up and she fucking wakes up when I'm not here.

I look back to the doctor who's putting the stethoscope back with a smile.

"Okay, your lungs sound good. So I'll get started on the discharge papers and you should be out of here this afternoon." He says and Ev rewards him with a smile and believe me it is a reward.

"Good. So when can I get back to work?" She asks impatiently and I roll my eyes. "I literally just heard your eyes roll to the back of your head."

"Because three days ago, you weren't breathing on your own and five days ago you were caught in an explosion that basically killed you, and the first thing you want to do is go to work. You need atleast a week off." I tell her and she lifts her hand up to push a curl behind her ear...with her middle finger and I look down at the ground to keep myself from scoffing and laughing at the same time.

"I love my job. So when can I go back?" She asks again, looking at the doctor who's looking between the two of us and Aida on my lap.

"Your husband-"

"Not my husband." Ev quickly interjects like she's actually offended.


"Not my boyfriend. Absolutely not." She interrupts again.

I feel like I should be offended right now.

"Friend?" The doctor ask's skeptically, like he's scared she's going to tell him he's wrong again.

Evs faces scrunches up and she shrugs. "Meh."

"Okay. Well your friend is right. You can get back to work in a week or so but not a day before then." The doctor states and Ev deflates slightly.

"Not even if I'm on desk duty?" She asks.

"Not even on desk duty. You need to give your lungs some time to recover so I'd say bed rest is for the best for atleast a few days." The doctor says and I can by the way Ev is clicking her knuckle back and forth that she hates that idea but if it's what she needs to get better then you can bet your ass I'm going to do everything I can to make sure she does as the doctor said.

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