𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤 𝔸 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖

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I slowly blink open my eyes and I'm met by bright white lights.

I squint my eyes and place my right arm over my eyes.

God this is reminding me of when I use to wake up for school and Dad would just throw the curtains open and walk out.

"Everest?" A familiar voice says.

"Tiana?" I ask, my voice hoarse.

"Oh thank the fucking lord!" She exclaims, running towards my bed and hugging me.

"Everest?" Another familiar voice says.

"Mama Amato?" I ask and then look to Tiana and Matts mother.

She's a doctor, she's the one who thought me how to decompress a pneumothorax.

"Hi honey." She says with a smile, placing her hand in my forehead to move some of the hair away.

After mama died, she helped me fill that hole. She helped my dad talk to me about things with my body that he didn't fully understand.

She took me in when dad had to work night shifts, which was quite often because of the job.

"You are quiet the hero young lady." Diane says.

"You saved my son and my granddaughter. Which by the way, impressive decompression." She says and I let out a strained laugh.

"Where's Teo and Aida?" I ask.

"Matteo is resting and Aida is being seen by our paediatric and neurosurgeon." Diane explains and my brows furrow.

"Neurosurgeon?" I ask.

"She has Myelomeningocele, It's a form of-"

"Spine bifida." I finish for her and she nods her head.

"She has hydrocephalus too which means there spinal fluid in her brain, the surgeons want to place a shunt to drain the fluid but we have to wait for Matteo to wake up and give consent." Diane explains once again.

A smile overtakes my face at the feeling of being right.

"So she is his then?" I ask and Tiana nods her head with a large smile.

"Can't wait to tell him 'I told you so' it may be the highlight of my year." I say with a grin causing Tiana and Diane to laugh.

"Right, back to you. You passed out from dehydration so we've put you on fluids and we'll keep coming in every so often to start them again. Your shoulder should be fine and you can return to fire fighting in 4-5 weeks." Diane says and I let out a loud groan.

"Mama Amatos, I'm going to go crazy!" I exclaim and she chuckles at me.

"Just wait a moment." Diane laughs. "Okay so no actual fire fighting for six weeks but you can still do desk duty and after 2 weeks you can go back in the Aid Car and be an EMT." She says and I nod my head in appreciation.

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