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I hate school and this was inspired bc I was playing a game and like my online friend was like "I would date you based on personality". Which I said "same but looks are a big part in if I would date you."

Anyways, I took so long to do this bc I kept overthinking abt my writing I'm sry!!.

(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) *.

Saiki had gotten himself a crush. While this was new to him since he had never looked for any relationships like such.

Lately he has been more into video games, and managed to to get himself an online friend. It is something new for him but he actually doesn't mind the person who had beaten him in a game.

Saiki decided to see who his online friend was with his powers. It was a [hair color] boy, with [eye color] eyes. He was around his age.

At least it's not some creepy online friend.

Saiki was walking home from school one day, it's one of the few days he gets to go straight home instead of having to stop by the ramen shop with the others.

As he entered his house he decided to get to gaming quickly.

Saiki preferred softer games over more violent things. But tried to stay off of replay, it wasn't fitting for him in his opinion.

Right know he was playing [game] with his friend, [gamer namer]. They were trying to beat a new area that was updated a few hours prior.

Saiki was trying not to giggle at the other person.

[gamer name] was trying to beat a monster but his monsters weren't strong enough.

"What monsters are you using [gamer name]?"

"Uhh... [name], [name], and [name], why?"

"You should try using [type of monsters] or [type of monsters], [type of monsters] won't help with [boss]."

While yes kusum preferred softer games, he did make an exception with this one because of his favorite online freind.

"Oh shit, your right."

Saiki giggled at the realization of the other person.

"Did the emotionless [s.k. Gamer name] just laugh, how come my suffering brings you joy?!?!"

"You have been struggling with [boss] while I have been ahead of you for a while now."

"God damnit how are you so good at the game!?!?"

"Idk how are you so bad"

In games Saiki could show more emotion without others making big deal about it.

"Hey [k.s. Gamer name] I'm moving schools, so I might not be able to play much for the next few days."

"That suck I guess, but the one suffering would be you."

"How come?"

"You have to catch up to the other students"

"Damnit, I'll live I think"

Saiki k x m!reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now