2 k special ig- kinda late

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⚠️ warning ⚠️ their is drinking and smoking in this os!!!!!!!! This os was not planned at all. And I think it's quite weird please don't judge. Also it's my first time writing somewhat this type of trope? Topic?. Whatever! Anyways please be nice when correcting me.

Context: Saiki and his "friends" kuboyasu aren, kaidou shun, and nendou Riki. They decided to go to a party. Saiki was forced by his mother. But what they didn't expect was to see l/n y/n at such place since it had alcohol.


Saiki was walking around to see what kind of drinks they had. He had been wondering what alcohol would do to his powers.

He wasn't surprised to find l/n here. His thoughts were something else that Outted him.

"Saiki kusuo, it's a surprise to find you here."

-yes it is I guess, what about you mr straigh As-

L/n leaned on the table.

-I'm not gonna lie, I wonder what alcohol will do to your powers-

- me too.-

"Wanna find out?" L/n smiled as he handed him a cup of vodka.

L/n only knew about saiki's powers because Saiki himself saved his life. While they aren't people who talk to each other often, Saiki would say he tolerates him more then others.

-it will be your fault if the world ends- Saiki grabbed the cup and drank some vodka.

The vodka had a taste of lemon, it was quite bitter.

"Yes yes, of course" l/n was wondering if anything changed.

-not much changed I guess-

"I'm not gonna lie but I was hoping for you to get more facial expressions"

Saiki decided to drink the whole cup. His other friends were no where to be found. Until he heard kuboyasu and kaidou over at the restrooms.

-seems like kaidou has a low tolerance considering he's got the balls to make out with kuboyasu-

"What?! Really?! I didn't think they would go for the other team" l/n was surprised, also to the fact that saiki's language changes with alcohol it seems.

Saiki was wondering what l/n would think about the topic.

-what do you think about it?-

"I'd say good for them, while most guys look for a Juliet, I look for a Romeo. What about you?"

Saiki didn't know. He really didn't care.

-doesn't matter for me. I'm not looking for a romance or anything just trying to live-

L/n smiled, he knew Saiki knew he had been actually crushing in him. But didn't know if he would accept him or not so he didn't act in those feelings.

"Wanna have a fun night Saiki-kun?"

-get me some more vodka then-

"Is it your first time drinking?"

-second actually my brother wanted to see what would happen but got caught giving me alcohol so I couldn't really find out what happens-

With l/n Saiki felt like he could talk to freely and not worry about most things. He didn't know why until an occasion happened which made him realize that he in fact did have a crush on the straight As student.

"Alright then, come with me"

Saiki followed l/n through the crowd of people. The amount of thoughts flooding his mind was causing him to get a headache.

Saiki k x m!reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now