Just loved

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Two people who no one would consider they even knew each other. But I'm reality they were more then just a friendship, they were two teenage boys in love.

It wasn't just a relationship that probably won't work for a while but an adorable couple who just loved to be in each others presence and even if they hadn't talked for days to each other, they would understand each other without needing to talk.

Y/n l/n had met Saiki at a cafe at first.

They both knew about each others existence, and once they found out they went to the same school they just had small talk.

Small talk was something saiki loved, and it was something y/n didn't mind.

Then they mainly started hanging out in cafes and libraries, they both shared an interest in sweets and books.

Then, it was a surprise that Saiki was the one to confess first but they still ended up together.

Right now they were sitting in the library listening to music on y/n's earbuds at the very back, Saiki was sleeping leaning on y/n's shoulder and y/n was reading a book.

They had been dating long enough to trust y/n with the secret of his powers.

Today at this moment Saiki had his ring on. And the music blocked out most of the noise going around.

So there was no way to know that Teruhashi would be looking for Saiki at the back of the library.

Today their teacher was giving everyone a free day to turn in assignments and other things to have a better grade, in other words makeup day.

Saiki and y/n already had good grades so they were aloud to go somewhere else, mainly to not "disturb" others doing work.

Teruhashi wasn't doing anything too, so she went to looks for Saiki, ad the only place she hasn't looked by know was the back of the library.

Which was were she found a surprise.

She turned to see a sleeping Saiki next to a boy she has never talked to, and Saiki had his arm around the other boys waist, which wasn't something most people would do with their freinds.

Then she noticed that the boy she has never talked to hasn't noticed her presence.

"Uh, excuse me"

Y/n finally looked up trying not to move much to not wake up the sleeping boy next to him.

"Yes, do you need anything?"

"I uhmm is Saiki asleep?"

"Yeah, he's been needing it. So if you excuse us we have been needing a break from socializing."

'Why hasn't he said oh wow yet,' panicked the blue haired girl as she noticed what was wrong, 'and why is he dismissing me off so quickly?!?!'

"Oh uhm, ok then"

She left wondering why the boy don't react like how she would want him to, but said boy just swings for the other team.

Y/n went back to reading his book, it had gotten to an interesting part.

After a while, Saiki stirs a bit. He was walking up from his nap.

"Morning point pinky, how was your nap?"

The h/c male asked him in a joking manner as the pinkette sat up.

"Good, where are my glasses?"

Something recently found was that y/n's necklace is made of a mineral that blocks saiki's stone turning ability.


Y/n said enough for Saiki too here, as he handed him the green tinted glasses.

Y/n put his book away and decided to lean on his boyfriends shoulder, then deciding to lay on his lap instead.

"Imma take a nap now!"

He told his boyfriend before going into the leaned of dreams.

Saiki decided to use clairvoyance to se was me his classmates were up to.

"Nendou!! That's not how you solve it!!"

Lauro was talking at Nendou and kuboyasu was trying to stop kaidou from causing a bigger scene.

Teruhashi had been down for some reason, how come?

'Why didn't he say "oh wow" or "offu" at all!!'

She was beating herself up for not being the perfect girl she was.

But besides that everything else seemed fine and not out of the ordinary.

So he decided to go back to sleep.

It was a chill day, one that was actually normal so far.

"Love, can I come over for some time?"

Asked the h/c. Saiki blushed at the use of such nickname, even though it has been used before he still wasn't used to it.

"Sure, just go there and I'll be there when I get rid of the idiots."

"Kay, don't take too long like last time I'm bringing snacks"

Saiki just smiled. He really liked it when y/n was over at his house, or hanging out with him in general.

But he didn't think he would see what he saw when he got home.

After escaping the idiots, he found his mother and father asking y/n questions to the point where y/n was really uncomfortable.

They were mainly questions about Saiki but it got weird when they started asking if both teens have done it.

Which is something the boy wouldn't expect from the couple.


Kusuo had know teleported into the room.

After reading his parents mind he decided to announce his presence, by picking up his beloved bridal style and telling his parents to leave him alone via telepathy.

"Sorry about my parents n/n"

Y/n was now on his boyfriends bed laying down.

"It's ok love just come here and love me!!!"

Kusuo just followed his lovers orders like the person he it's for the things he loves.

Today was an ok day, he's actually liked where nothing much disturbed him.


Idk how I feel about this, I had a good idea but then I didn't know how to continue it... hopefully it's a presentable thing

Saiki k x m!reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now