Chapter 4

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Exiting the cafe Ky immediately heads to the car he had seen earlier. Opening the car door to see Himeko sitting in the car and getting in. Look ing at him before saying, 

"Took you long enough." 

"Just finishing my meal before we get going." 

The car started up and began to drive. after a moment Ky asked,

"So what do you need from me?"

"All I need to do is take you to St.Freya's and then we'll tell you what we need from you." Cocking his head to the side,

"St. Freya's? What would they need me at a Valkyrie academy?" 

"Like I said you'll be told when we get there. Besides I don't myself what they want with you." The rest of the ride was in silence as they made their way to a airship that would take them to St. Freya's. Once they had reached the academy they made their way through the school till they reached the school's courtyard. There they were greeted by Theresa Apocalypse. 


So this is St. Freya High School. The only thing I know about it is that's it's an all girl school that trains future valkyries. The architecture and layout are similar to palaces in France and England, though a bit more modern. The massive cathedral is what I assume is the main portion of the school itself. 

Nearing the main body of the school I can see a small girl with white hair and dressed in a nun's outfit waiting in front of the school. As we got to her she looked at me, reached out her hand gesturing a handshake and said,

"You must be Ky Kiske, I am the Principal of St. Freya and head of Schicksal Far East Branch Theresa Apocalypse." 

Taken aback that this small lady was the principal and a head of Schicksal I reached out and took her hand, 

"You are correct, I am Ky Kiske." 

Ending the handshake Theresa turned to Himeko who was behind us, 

"You are dismissed Major." With that I was left alone with the petite woman. Leading me into the school to where I presume would be her her office. Once we reached her office where she sat behind frankly a oversized desk and I sat it a chair in front of the desk. Asking immediately, 

"So why was I brought here?" 

"Simple, we are offering an opportunity for you to join the ranks of Schicksal." 

"And how would bringing me to St. Freya's instead of another Schicksal headquarters correlate with that." 

"As well as joining Schicksal we also want to enroll you into St. Freya's." 

This was confusing, why would Schicksal want to enroll a male into St. Freya's? Wasn't this place an all girls school anyway?" 

"I understand if your're confused but the fact is you would be a student studying at St. Freya's." 

"Why, this is supposed to be an all girls school. Shouldn't there be a place where male valkyries would be trained?" 

"There is, but we think it would be better if you were to be trained in place that could better bring out your potential as a fighter." 

"You keep saying we. What do you mean by we?" 

"That would be me and the overseer." 

So the overseer wants me to be apart of Schicksal, and have me enroll in a all girls school. This must be because I encountered Himeko in the forest and she saw me kill the Honkai beasts. They must have come to a conclusion that I would be a valuable asset, though the prospect of being able to get stronger is appealing. I needed to know what exactly they wanted and if there is anything attached to it. 

"Tell me, is there anything I would need to know if I were to accept you offer." 

"Well to start as stated before you would be enrolled into St. Freya's till you graduate. There you will be trained and grow stronger. You will be registered as an official member of Schicksal and have access to its database along with access to our training room and workshop." 

"I see, and if I were to reject your offer." 

"Then we will send you on your way." 

Weighing the pros and cons of the deal, I began to decide whether or not to accept. While joining Schicksal meant being with them for the foreseeable future, I would gain access to information that was unable to get previously. Also this is a prefect opportunity for me to get stronger, training with valkyries would greatly improve my strength. 

"I accept your deal." 

"Really! That's fantastic!" 

Watching as Theresa began clapping happily at what I just said. Shocked at this sudden shift in demeanor from serious to childish I froze for a couple of seconds before Theresa stopped and said, 

"Good, we'll get you settled into a dorm as soon as possible. Don't worry about your stuff, we'll retrieve them and they will be delivered to you by the end of the day.' 

Following the cheery principal out of her office and back into the courtyard. Turning to me and said, 

"Go explore the campus and you'll be contacted when we have prepared your dorm." 

With that she headed back to the school with a visible spring to her step. Sighing to myself, 

"That was certainly something." 

Author's notes: Ky has official joined Schicksal. Before I continue with the story there is something I need. For any of the readers who are familiar with Honkai Impact, should I put Ky with the main cast in their dorm or have in a separate dorm by himself.  The overall plot of the story won't be affected that much choose based of what you would like the most. Leave your choice in the comments. 


Scared Order of Holy Knights(Former) 



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