Chapter 8

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Once Ky entered the arena he was capable of seeing everyone who was there. Theresa, Mei, Bronya and a blue haired-girl he didn't recognize all in the stands above the arena. Himeko was on the edges of the arena in case of any accidents. He then focused on Kiana who was in her battle suit, a white skin-tight bodysuit with orange markings and elements of stars and cats. 

She was currently using two Colt M1911 in a dual wielding fashion, both loaded with rubber bullets

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She was currently using two Colt M1911 in a dual wielding fashion, both loaded with rubber bullets. Now noticing that Ky had entered the arena and seeing what he was wearing she exclaimed, 

"What are you wearing? It's like you're wearing a dress!"

"I could say the same about you. A girl your age shouldn't be dressed in something like that." 

Cheeks flushed red Kiana muttered to herself, 


Himeko yelling at them from the sideline, 

"Enough talking, let's get this started." 

"She's right, we've talked enough let us begin." 

Ky and Kiana walked to opposite ends of the arena, when Ky reached his position he turned around to face Kiana. Unsheathing his sword extended his hand outward to Kiana and said, 

"Here's to a fine duel." 

"You must be delusional if you think you'll be able to defeat me!"  

With a tablet that was connected to the arena's system Himeko selected a couple of things and the screen inside the arena displayed both of their names before transitioning to a countdown. 





Kiana attacked first firing rounds from both of her guns aiming at Ky's position. Dodging past the bullets he sent a bolt of lightning at her. 

"Stun edge!" 

Moving to the side of the bolt Kiana focused on Ky watched him as he charged at her and stabbed his sword forward. Kiana barely managing to dodge the strike moved back only to be hit by the follow up attack. A horizontal slash with his right hand striking Kiana in her stomach, following up with a downwards diagonal slash with lighting at the tip his sword. Shouting,

"Dire Eclat!" 

As it connected with Kiana's shoulder and sent her away from Ky along the ground. Kiana could feel the lightning coursing through as she got up from the ground. Looking up just in time to see Ky running at her, she brought her arms up in a defensive position as she felt the sword slam into her arms. 

The sheer force of the strike brought Kiana's arms down and while she was able to dodge the upwards strike and dashed backwards only to be meet with Ky's boot in her face as he shouted,

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