Chapter 13

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After having lunch Kiana and Bronya returned to playing Homu Gear with Ky, Fu Hua and Mei watching them. After multiple rounds of Bronya soundly beating Kiana, Bronya turned to Ky ands said,

"Would subject Ky and Subject Fu Hua like to play?" 

Turning to Fu Hua Ky said, 

"Would you like too?"

"I'm willing to play a match." 

Getting the controllers from Kiana and Bronya, Ky and Fu Hua took a seat in front of the TV. Selecting the characters they would play, they selected round start and began fighting. 

(No video or description, most videos with a full set are to high level and I wouldn't know how to describe a fighting game.) 

Having lost the match Ky handed the controller back over to Kiana as Fu Hua did the same with Bronya. They started another match as Ky and Fu Hua returned to where they were sitting earlier. 

In the middle of the match the door to the dorm was opened, with Theresa entering carrying multiple books with her. Ky being the first to notice Theresa went over to where she was and helped her bring the books to the table. Setting the books she carried onto the table Theresa said,

"Thanks for the help Ky." 

"Your welcome Theresa, may I ask what these are for?" 

"These are the books you're going to need for school."

"I see." said Ky as he began shifting through the stack of books, taking mental notes of the subjects that each book was about. Putting everything back into a stack and carried them into his room. Finding a clear area to keep the books, Ky set them the stack down and on his way out grabbed Magical Theory and a Compilement of All Known Magic Spells from where he had left it.

Returning back to where everyone else was Ky placed the book on the counter and went into the kitchen to get himself a drink. Before he gets himself one he says, 

"Does anybody want anything to drink." 

Kiana and Bronya who will engrossed in the match could only give a short no, Mei and Fu Hua were able to give a longer answer with, 

"No thank you/I'm fine, thanks for asking." 

Theresa was the only who accepted Ky's offer and said, 

"There's a bottle of bitter melon juice in the fridge, could you get it." 

Ky who was a little bit confused on what she wanted, granted he's only had water, tea, and coffee for the past ten years, complied to her request. Going over to the fridge, opening it Ky was able to see a plastic bottle filled with a green liquid. Seeing as it had a label on it Ky turned the bottle to see what it said. The label read Bitter Melon Juice along with many other unimportant information strewn across the surface. 

Assuming that this what Theresa wanted Ky grabbed the bottle from the fridge and walked over and handed the bottle to Theresa. Taking the bottle from Ky, and saying a quick, 

"Thank you." 

Returning back to the kitchen Ky began searching for any sort of tea he could drink. After a solid minute of searching Ky was able to find a black tea packet of a variety he hasn't had before. Finding a suitable cup, Ky opened the packet and placed the bag into the cup. Filling the cup with water Ky placed it on the counter and let the tea seep.

After a couple of minutes Ky took the tea bag and threw it away. Taking the cup with him and grabbed the book from where he left it and went over to the kitchen table. Setting his tea down and taking a seat, Ky opened the book to the section on spells and began studying Felion. 

Taking a sip of the tea to gauge the temperature, Ky put the tea back down to let it cool a bit longer. Looking at where everyone was and seeing themselves enjoy themselves, Ky couldn't help smile as he said, 

"This is nice, I hope it could last for a while." 

Author's Notes: Shorter chapter than most and I'm going to be honest, I don't like this chapter. I don't think it's good but I've committed too much to go back now. If any of you like it I'm willing to continue to write similar style chapters, but for the most part these kinds of chapters will be few and far between.

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