Chapter 5

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After exploring the campus for around two hours Ky had managed to memorize the most important landmarks of the school. The very center of the school were he had met Theresa was the square and led to all major places. On the right side of the school was the auditorium which contained most of the facilities.To the left was the parterre and the drill grounds where the students presumably held outdoor exercises. And on both sides were the dorms where the students stayed. 

Of the things that Ky had seen what had piqued his interest the most were the training rooms and workshops. The workshops while not of importance to Ky still held valuable equipment he was sure he could make use of. What was most important to him was the training rooms. Not only could they summon nearly any Honkai beast, but they would be capable of recording how the session went.  

All of these tools would be vital to his improvement, though he was unable to access them due to not having a student ID. Now taking time to admire the garden of St. Freya, he saw a girl running in his direction seemingly in a hurry. Walking over to a section where he was capable of seeing the garden to the fullest, sits down on the provided bench and takes a long gaze. Not noticing the girl was now next to him and was panting heavily. Taking her time to catch her breath before saying, 

"Are you Ky Kiske?" 

Snapping Ky out of his trance he looked back at her, 

"Yes that would be me." 

"That principal has a message for you," handing him a piece of paper along with an ID card, "she says that your dorm is ready and your items will be arriving soon and they will be placed in the dorm."

Taking the paper and card read and memorized it's contents before smiling and saying, 

"Thank you for delivering the message, your help is much appreciated." 

A small blush could be seen on her face due to compliment, 

"It was nothing, oh another thing, the principal said you don't have to come immediately and enjoy your time here." With that she runs off into the direction from which she came from. 

Almost immediately after she left his sight Ky headed towards the main portion of the school. Walking at a slow pace he eventually made it to the school's  library, having previously been unable to access the library. Entering before stopping the middle and thought to himself, 

"I suppose I could do a little bit of research while I wait." 

Searching for a book before taking a seat at the nearest unoccupied table.

Two hours later 

Having finished around half of the book he had selected he went up to the current librarian that was sitting at the desk. 

"I would like to check this book out." 

Looking up at him and in a bored tone, 

"Do you have your ID card?"

Ky with his ID card ready put it on the desk and let the librarian scan it. 

"You may keep the book for however long you need as long you return it without any damages or you will be fined." 

"I understand." 

"Good, then you can go on your way." 

Taking the book and left the library heading to where his dorm was, on the way there he began thinking to himself. 

"I wonder how the dorm's would be arranged? There is a possibility that I could have a roommate, though that could be troublesome if anything were to happen," shuddering at the though of any awkward moments that could happen, "yeah I don't think me having a roommate would be a good idea. Especially since am the only male student here." 

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