Chapter 15

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Currently I am waiting in front of what is presumably the classroom I am going to be at for the foreseeable future. I have to wait till be called into the classroom by the teacher who I have learned is Himeko. Though I don't know how to feel about my current situation. This is the first time I've had access to proper education I think is my entire life.
The idea of being able to learn an exciting thing to me, but from what I've heard from some of the knights that had gone to school makes me nervous. Taking a couple of breaths to calm down, I began listening to see when I should go in.

The walls of this school are quite good at keeping sound in, I haven't heard anything coming from the room for a while. Or it's just really quiet in there. I don't know how long I've been out here for but maybe I shouldn't have left the principal's office as early I did.
Suddenness I heard a voice coming from the classroom, saying,

"You may come in now."

Seeing this as mu cue I opened the door to the classroom and stepped inside. Making sure the door closed properly, I could feel the stares of everyone on my back as I turned around. There seemed to be a pressure weighing down on me, I don't know why. I've faced down beasts incredibly powerful, yet something as simple as an introduction seemed so defining.
Taking a breath before stepping forward to the front of the class. Putting my hand to my chest and performing a small bow and saying,
"Good morning, my name is Ky Kiske and it's a pleasure to meet you all."
3rd person POV

The moments that followed were completely silent, not a single word coming from any of the girls there. And what had felt like an entirety to Ky, the silence was broken by the collective voices of every girl talking amongst themselves. Ky could hear the hushed words of some of the girls, and some of the not so hushed words. He was only capable of making a couple conversations through the noise,

"Who's he?"

"He must be the new student that Ms. Himeko was talking about."

"I must say, he's pretty good looking. Don't you think so?"

"You're right, especially with his hair like that. It makes him look like a prince."

"I think he would look better if his hair was shorter. He looks like a girl with his hair like that."

"You don't get it. That's part of the charm."

Slightly confused at these comments when he heard another conversation,

"Ugh, why does one of them have to be here."

"Yeah, who does he think he is, thinking he can waltz in here thinking he owns the place."

"What was the principal thinking bringing someone like him here. Who knows what he is going to do."

Hearing this Ky for the first time in a very long time felt true anger. He did not know why, but whatever those girls said had triggered something inside him. Resisting the urge to act like a certain person, Ky took a deep breath to calm himself. Suddenly Himeko yelled,

"Alright everyone be quiet!"

Immediately everyone stopped talking as they all faced Himeko, not daring to make a sound. Picking up a couple of papers from her desk, Himeko handed them to Ky and said,

"Take these and sit by Kiana, she's in the back."

Heading over to his seat, Ky set the papers onto the desk and sat down. Putting his full undivided attention into listening to what Himeko had to say next.


Two hours later

It was almost time for what I considered to be by far the most interesting thing to learn at this school, History. I discussed this with a girl in a previous class and while we had differing opinions I believe the conversation has given me insight about the students here. She said that most of the students were most interested in the combat classes. I'm not surprised considering that this is a school that trains Valkyrie's, but knowledge is still a valuable resource.

Soon I arrived at the classroom, pulling my schedule and double checking if I was at the correct room before I entered. Making sure the door closed, I turned around to see that the classroom was completely empty besides a man sitting at the desk at the front of the class. Having most likely heard me enter he turned his head and said,

"I didn't expect anyone to be hear this early."

Going up to where he was I said,

"Are you perchance Welt Yang?"

Putting his pen and down he said,

"I am, and judging from what your wearing and I haven't seen you before I'm guessing your the new student the principal was talking about."

Putting my hand to my chest I said,

"That would be me, my name is Ky Kiske and it's an honor to make your acquaintance Mr. Yang."

"Well then Ky may I ask why you're hear so early, class doesn't start for another ten minutes."

"Well I've always been interested in history and I may have miscalculated the time."

"That's fine you may stay here for the time being, and it's nice to see another person here who is interested in history."

"Thank you Mr. Yang."

Picking his pen back up Mr. Yang began working on paperwork. Leaving him to his work I went to where he stored his books and began going through then. As expected his library contained some basic history textbooks going over specific civilizations, a couple historical fiction novels, and Honkai Eruptions. There was even some business history books as well. It seems like Mr. Yang is interested in a types of history.

In what I considered a plethora of knowledge one book stood out. Going to where it was, I put my hand the top of the spine and pulled it out. Revealing what was not a book but a white unmarked binder that was filled with paper. Going up to where Mr. Yang was I said,

"Mr. Yang, what is this?"

Looking up from his work Mr. Yang said,

"Oh that, it contains almost all of the data we have about the Previous Era."

"Previous Era?"

"The Era of humanity before ours. It was destroyed 50,000 years ago."

"And this binder contains information about it."

"Yes, everything except any weapons or scientific experiments, those stayed with the overseer."

"I see, may I take a look at it?"

"You can, there's a reason why I keep it in my library. You're free to read it whenever you want, and it was updated recently as well."

Opening the binder Mr. Yang turned the pages towards the end and stopped at a section named Kingdoms of the Previous Era. Turning the binder to face me, Mr. Yang said,

"Go on take a look."

Picking up the binder I flipped the page and began reading the first chapter of the section, The Kingdom of Illyria.

I had only gotten through around a third of the way through the chapter when I heard the door open. Both me and Mr. Yang turned our heads to see who had walked in. Seeing the Fu Hua standing in the doorway I said,

"Good morning class monitor, how has day been."

Walking up to me and Mr. Yang, she said,

"Mr. Yang, Ky and I've doing fine, thank you for asking."

Standing up from his desk, Mr. Yang readjusted his glasses and said to me,

"When Fu Hua enters everyone else slowly starts coming. Put the binder back and you can come again tomorrow."


"Good, now get too your seat, we'll be starting soon."

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