Chapter 14

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The following morning
Having finished his daily workout a and training, Ky returned back to the dorm and took everything was about to enter. After unlocking the door and entering, Ky shut door behind him as he walked through the dorm. Seeing that nobody was awake yet, Ky headed to his room to take a shower.
Fifteen minutes later
After Ky finished showering and got changed, he went into the kitchen and saw that Mei had woken up and was cooking breakfast.
"Good morning Mei, I hope you had a good night sleep."
Looking up from what she was doing, Mei said,
"Good morning Ky, and I had a good rest."
Going into the kitchen and doing his best to not disturb Mei, Ky pulled a cup from one of the cabinets and retrieved a teabag from the pantry. Filling up the cup with hot water Ky placed the teabag into the water as he set it down on the counter.
Letting the tea steep, Ky said,
"What are you cooking?"
Mei, who was know at the stove and was placing the ingredients into a pan,
"Omelettes, do you want one?"
"I'm fine I ate earlier, but thanks for asking."
Acknowledging Ky's answer with a nod of her head, Mei refocused her attention back to what she was cooking.
Soon after Bronya entered the kitchen carrying with her a Homu plush. Taking a seat at the table Bronya said to the two of them,
"Good morning subject Mei and subject Ky."
Taking a sip from his tea Ky replied,
"Good morning Bronya, did you have good night's sleep."
After she thanked Mei who had placed an omelette in front of her, Bronya said,
"Is the Tuna not awake yet."
Putting more ingredients into the pan Mei said,
"No, not yet."
Not knowing who they were referring to Ky asked,
"Who is this Tuna you are talking about."
"It's a nickname for Kiana." said Mei.
"I see."
And almost like she was summoned, Kiana wandered into the kitchen bleary eyed and half asleep. Halfheartedly greeting everyone as she stumbled her way to a seat.
Walking over with two plates in her hand, Mei set the plate with a noticeably larger amount of food in front of Kiana and took her own seat. Catching the scent of food, Kiana's eyes opened as her face brightened as she made her way through the omelette.
Tearing her way through her meal Kiana finished the omelette in minute. Putting her fork down Kiana said,
"That was amazing! Mei's cooking really is the best! Don't you think so to Ky."
Facing Ky, Kiana's face fell when she saw there was no trace of food. No empty plate, used utensils, a stray napkin, or even bits off food around where Ky was. In a concerned tone Kiana said,
"Have you not eaten anything Ky?"
Hearing her concern Ky responded with,
"There's no need to worry, I already ate earlier."
Not satisfied with his answer, Kiana reminded quiet as she brought her plate over to the sink. As she put the plate into the sink, an idea popped into her mind as she stared at Ky. Possible outcomes of her harebrained idea running through her mind.
"Is there something wrong Kiana?"
Knocked out of her trance Kiana turned to source of the so to see Mei next to her.
"No there's nothing wrong."
Before Mei could respond the door of the dorm opened and Theresa came in with a big box. Walking into the living room, Theresa set the box down and called Ky over. Walking up to the side of Theresa Ky said,
"I assume that this has my uniform in it."
"That would be correct, now help me open it."
Summoning a knife Ky cut into the tape that kept the box closed.
Opening it up to reveal multiple sets of clothes folded up and placed in a orderly fashion. Taking a set out Ky and Theresa were able to properly see the uniform.

 Taking a set out Ky and Theresa were able to properly see the uniform

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Turning his head to Theresa,
"So this is it."
Hands on her hips she replied with,
"Yup, that's it. What do you think."
Picking up the top half of the uniform, Ky made sure to thoroughly inspect it before saying,
"I think this will work fine."
"That's good, Testament real-"
Before Theresa could finish a voice cut her off,
"What the hell is this supposed to be?"
The voice had came from Kiana as she held a white jacket in her hands with Bronya and Mei besides her. Responding to Kiana's question, Ky said,
"It's a jacket."
Side eying him and turning it around Kiana said,
"Sure doesn't look like one to me."
"That's because it's supposed to be worn over you shoulders."
Baffled, Kiana looked at Ky and said,
"What kind if person would wear a jacket like that."(A/N: Chuuya Nakahara would)
Putting the uniform back into the box Ky said,
"I'm wearing a jacket like that, so I guess I'm that kind of person."
Currently Ky was wearing a dark-blue V-neck shirt, dark-blue trousers, blue gloves, and around his shoulders was indeed, a white cape like jacket.

" Currently Ky was wearing a dark-blue V-neck shirt, dark-blue trousers, blue gloves, and around his shoulders was indeed, a white cape like jacket

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Realizing this, Kiana's eyes widened as she sat speechless that she didn't notice before. Next to her Bronya shook her head in disappointment as she said,
"The Bronya doesn't know how the Tuna didn't  see what subject Ky was wearing, but that only proves how dumb Idiotka really is."
Standing up and going up to Bronya, Kiana said,
"You take that back."
"The Bronya will not deny what is the truth."
Trying to keep things from escalating Mei said,
"Maybe she was focused on something else."
Turning around to face Mei, Kiana and Bronya stared at her processing what she had said. Slowly Kiana's face began turning red as Bronya's  face remained stoic but her eyes became distant. Confused at their sudden change in demeanor, Mei said,
"Did I say something wrong?"
Suddenly Kiana latched onto Mei as she cried,
"Why would you ever think such a thing! My heart to you and only you!"
Having been watching the entire time, Ky couldn't help but chuckle at their antics. Picking up the uniform and placing it back into the box. He picked it up and as he was making his way back to his room, he heard Theresa say,
"Alright that's enough, it's about time you get going."
By the time they had responded Ky was already in his room and had closed the door. Setting the box on the ground, Ky grabbed a uniform and began putting it on.
Once he finished changing Ky exited his room to se me that everyone had left except Theresa. Seeing that Ky was ready, she said to him,
"Before you go to class make sure to head to my office beforehand. You're going to be introduced after class has started."
"I understand, anything else I should now."
"Not at the moment," she then give him a big smile as she said, "but makes sure to have a good time."
With a small smile Ky said,
"I will."
"With that, let's get going!"
As Theresa and Ky left the dorm and headed towards the school.

I don't know if anyone actually cares but I apologize for the very long gap between updates. I also want to know what you think of the pacing of the story so far. It's going to speed up soon and feedback would be nice.

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