Chapter 6

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Once he had finished going through the tome, Ky had decided to rest for the night. While in his sleep he began dreaming, he is experiencing one of his mainly battles through his time in the Sacred Order.

A small group of knights were being surrounded by a horde of Honkai beasts nearly ten times the size of their own. They were gathering in a circle with a space between them in a defensive position. The knight next do Ky spoke to him,

"What do we do sir?"

"If there is no other option, we must fight through."

The Honkai beasts were slowly closing in, and the knights were readying for the coming battle. A few moments of silence before both sides began the charge.

Both groups met head on with Ky in the lead and slashing through the closest Honkai beast. Colliding with each other multiple Honkai beasts were taken out immediately as weapons went through their skulls. But the knights weren't without injury themselves, a knight was hit head on  by a Templar and was sent flying away. The Templar was immediately killed by the  knights surrounding it.

The battle raged on, with every ten Honkai beast that fell, a single knight would be fall as well. Even with the knights taking out more Honkai beasts than Honkai take them out, the sheer number of Honkai beast was too much and they where being slowly being overwhelmed. Eventually there where only four knights along with Ky, turning his head to where Ky was a knight yelled,

"Sir, we're being overwhelmed we need to retreat!"

Slashing through the nearest Honkai beast and firing a bolt of lightning at another Ky yelled back,

"Go! I'll hold them back!"

Dodging under a strike from a Honkai beast and countering a swift thrust into the beasts skull,

"Are you sure!"

"Absolutely! Now get going."

The knight motioned for the surfing members to follow him as the remaining Honkai beasts shifted their attention from the retreating knights to Ky. Taking a defensive position he carefully observed the Honkai beasts that began circling him. The first to attack was a Seraph charging at him, jumping over the Seraph he swung his sword down onto it. One he landed he immediately went on the offensive, charging forward with his sword charged at a Templar and stabbed directly through it's shield and the lighting from sword discharged into the beast killing it.

Quickly turning around to slash through three approaching zombies and bring his blade around to block another strike. Moving out from underneath the Honkai beasts and brings his sword up and cleaves through the beasts head. Now to the side of the horde and not surrounded, he gathered magical energy in the form of lightning around him and creating a barrier in front of him . Shouting,

"Embrace the light,  Ride the Lightning!"

charges forward encased in a bubble of blue lightning, smashed directly into the horde of Honkai beasts. Any Honkai beasts that were unfortunate to be in front of him where killed by either being run over or by the electric energy being discharged through it's body.

As he approached the final Honkai beast, an emperor class it brought it's massive arm around at into the barrier the Ky created. Instead of the barrier breaking or Ky being stopped, the emperor class was carried by the field and forced onto it's back as it was carried a couple of more meters before Ky went into a downward slash imbued with lightning and cleaved the through half of Emperor classes body.

With that Ky woke up breathing heavily with sweat dripping from his face. Seeing that it was only  six o'clock he decided to go for a run to calm himself down. Getting changed into his clothes, he left the house as carefully as possible to not wake anyone up. As he ran around the school he took this as another chance to observe the school.

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