Chapter 16

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The rest of the week passed by without a hitch as Ky continued to go to classes. He created a daily routine, waking up early to train before heading to class. During school he would arrive at his classes early and at his history class he would enter to read and occasionally discuss with Welt Yang. Everyone was treating him well, but he could tell he gained the ire of some of them.

But he wasn't bothered by this as he hoped to eventually gain their trust. Currently he was in his History class and was having a conversation with Welt. Both of them were sitting on opposite sides of Welt's desk as Ky said,

"If I understood correctly, Illyria was almost every state merged into one kingdom that was governed by three kings."

"That would be the simplest explanation, Illyria was formed after an event known as the crusades. The crusades had almost completely decimated the lands that we know as Europe."

"And do we know what happened during the crusades?"

"Unfortunately, the records we found don't go into detail about the crusades, only telling us the beginning and the end of the crusades and how it was mostly limited to Europe."

"Then what happened during those time periods?"

"From what we have gathered, the crusades started when an entity called Justice destroyed a sizable area of land somewhere in Asia, and ended when Justice was  defeated nearly a hundred years later."

"Then the first eruption of the Previous Era happened."

"Yes, approximately ten years later the first sightings of Honkai occurred."

"I see, and that is all the information you have currently?"

"Indeed, and it seems we've stopped at just the right time. Prepare for class, we start in two minutes."

"Understood sir."

Walking away Ky began preparing for history when Welt said,

"Oh and good luck later today."

Looking up from what he was doing, Ky said,

"What do you mean by that Mr. Yang?"

"I mean isn't it your first mock battle in your combat course today."

"It is."

"Well you have to be careful, some of the girls here are ruthless, especially if they're someone like you."

"I think I'll be fine, but thank you anyway."

"Not a problem Ky, just try not to get to seriously injured."

Three hours later

Currently, Ky was in his combat class as they were beginning the first round of duels. Resting in the locker rooms, Ky was inspecting his uniform, checking for any rips or tears. Once he made sure there was no damage, Ky began to remove his school uniform and put on his Battlesuit.

When Ky had on everything except the front part of his long coat, his belt and his cape, when Fu Hua walked into the locker room. Seeing her walk in Ky turned around, still putting on his uniform and said,

"Is your match already done class monitor?"

Walking up the where Ky was, Fu Hua began removing her gauntlets as she said,

"I have. Ms. Himeko says your match will start in five minutes and you better hurry."

Putting his cape around his shoulders and making sure it had firmly in place, Ky said,

"No need, I'm just about ready anyway."

"Then good luck."

Picking up his sword and scabbard an fastening it to his belt, Ky said,

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