Chapter 10

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After finishing lunch Bronya resumed teaching Ky how to play Homu Gear with the addition of Kiana watching the two of them. Ky was currently learning some of the beginner combos of the character he had selected. Despite only starting two hours earlier Ky was a quick learner and easily got a grasp on the play style and the combos of the character. 

Surprised at how quickly Ky managed to pick the game up she asked him, 

"Are you sure you haven't played a video game before?" 

"There really wasn't any time for me to play video games before this, so yes this would be the first time I've played video games."

"Then you must be a natural at fighting games then." 

Speaking from besides Ky Bronya said, 

"That's because subject Kiana isn't very good at games." 

"What did you say!" 

"Isn't it obvious, subject Kiana is incredibly bad at playing video games." 

Jumping from her sitting position, Kiana pointed at Bronya, 

"That's it, I challenge you to match of Homu Gear Strive!" 

 "If subject Kiana wishes to lose, the Bronya will comply." 

"That's what you think but I will beat you this time." 

Turning to Ky Bronya said to him,

"Is subject Ky okay with this?" 

"It's fine. I can learn from watching you two anyway." 

Handing the controller to Bronya as Kiana got another controller and plugged it into the console. Sitting back down Bronya and Kiana selected their characters, skipping the intro the began fighting. 

(Ends at 1:30) 

Throwing her controller on the ground and Kiana cried out in frustration, 

"Why can't I win!" 

"The Bronya is just superior." 

"I'll show you who's superior." 

"I hope you girls had your fun. But you're going to have to end it soon." 

Theresa had returned from her office carrying a couple of papers with her, having finished any paperwork or any tasks related to Ky. 

"Someone's coming over and I don't want any distractions." 

"Got it auntie." Kiana said as she and Bronya turned off the console and put away the controllers. 

Facing Theresa Ky asked, 

"I assume that the tailor is coming soon." 

"You would be correct, I've been notified that the tailor will be arriving soon." 

Looking at the nearest clock and seeing that it was only a couple of minutes after 2 pm, Ky said to Theresa,

"Isn't it a little bit early? It's barely even 2 o'clock." 

"Well this tailor likes to be early for most of their appointments, just their own personal thing." 

Theresa then handed Ky a piece of paper, 

"You're going to need fill this form out after your appointment is done."

"Is that all?" 

"That should be all that is related to the tailor," handing Ky another piece paper, "all of your classes have been finalized along with your locker number." 

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