Chapter 20

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As the Hyperion traveled across the sky, Ky gazed from one of the many windows of the Hyperion. Watching as the world below travel pass by, entirely focused on what he was seeing. Feeling an arm rest on his shoulder, he shifted his head to see Himeko there.

"Enjoying the view?"

"Very much, it's quite beautiful." Was Ky's response, turning his gaze back to the view.

"I suppose you've never been able to be this high before, especially with this kind of vantage point of."

"You're correct, most of the traveling I did with the Order on land. Can't do too much if you never encounter anything."

Getting of his shoulder Himeko walked away, but not before saying,

"You've got five minutes before the mission debriefing, until then keep enjoying the view."

And so Ky stood there, ignoring any stares or whispers from the crew around him. Only thing on his mind was how beautiful the view looked. If he wanted he was sure he could create a lovely poem about it, but such beauty is better savored in the moment.

Finally moving away from window,  Ky headed to the debriefing room, greeting any member of the crew he came across. Reaching the room, the door opened to show Himeko, Mei and Bronya already there. Hearing the sound of someone running down the hallway, Ky looked back to see Kiana hurtling towards him, yelling,


Moving to the side to let Kiana fly by, Ky reached out and grabbed onto the hood of Kiana's jacket.
Pulling her back, causing her to comically fly into the air and fall onto her back. Having let go of Kiana's hood when she achieved liftoff, Ky walked past Kiana splayed spread eagle in the floor.

Leaping to her feet, Kiana pointed at Ky and yelled at him,

"What was that for! You denied me the chance to show Mei my love for her!"

"I'm more concerned about the state of this room if you end up missing and hitting any of the equipment."

"But my love will never miss Mei!"

"Alright that's enough you two," Himeko called from where she was, "we need to get this meeting started if you want to get to the action."

"You got it auntie!"

"Of course major."

Pressing a couple of buttons on the display, a holographic map appeared with a red dot located along the mainland. Scanning over the map, Ky remained silent as Himeko began to explain the mission,

"Recently there have been multiple sitings of a large group of Honkai beasts located in the forest outside of the city."

"So we're going to be hunting Honkai beasts!", said Kiana, her eyes having a noticeable shine to them.

"Correct, if the reports are correct, a group of Honkai could be potentially devastating."

"This is a culling mission then." said Ky.

"You could say that," Himeko responded with a chuckle, "does the experienced one have any guidance for our new recruits."

With a small cry of protest from Kiana and a look from Ky, he said,

"A single Honkai beast is not a threat if you know how to properly counter, but a group, even small ones makes it much more difficult to maintain an advantage. There will always be a constant threat, make sure to watch your back, as a beast will take whatever advantage it will take. So you use your greatest strength," pointing to his head, "your mind. Unlike a beast, you can strategize, adapt in the heat of the moment, and most importantly, be unpredictable in a moments notice."

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