Chapter 18: Alfred

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As I step through the front door of Alieen's apartment, I cannot help but think of something.

"Why do I keep coming back to this building?"

In the last week alone, I have spent more time in this one building than I have spent in all of San Francisco in the last two years. Walking into the hallway, I immediately see the same t.v where Alieen showed me the giant worm that attacked me. Walking a little further, I see the countertop where I shared lunch with Alieen, Matt, Alfred, and Layafette. I think back to the hot sandwich.

"Come on," Alieen says, hitting my shoulder and running up the stairs. "You said you wanted to see Matt's secret stash."

"Yes I did," I answer, nodding my head. "You said that Matt had lavender-scented water. That is why you recognize the smell."

"Yeah. Matt showed it to us a few months before hiding it under his bed."

"Where is Matt anyway? In fact, where is everyone? I do not see Alfred or Layafette anywhere."

"Uhh, let me think. Let me think. If I'm remembering everyone's schedules correctly, I think Matt and Leia have work today. Alfred on the other hand, I think he's in class."

"Alfred had class? With all due respect, I think Alfred is a little old for school."

"You have heard of colleges, right?"

I can hear Alieen hides a laugh.

"Yes. Yes, Alieen. I have heard of colleges. As far as I know, I have never been to one but I have heard of them."

Once more, I hear Alieen hides a laugh.

"Alfred is going to SF state university. Well, actually, all four of us are going to SF state university but we have different classes."

"What are you studying for?"

"History. We're here."

Stopping at a door at the end of the hallway, Alieen grabs the doorknob but she does not turn it.

"Are you okay," I ask. "Why did you stop?"

"I feel a little bad about this," Alieen answers. "I mean, it's an unspoken rule but it's still a rule nonetheless."

"An unspoken rule," I repeat. "What are you talking about? What is the rule?"

"The rule is that none of us can really go through each other's personal things," Alieen says while shaking her head. "I mean, if it's out in open, like in the kitchen or the living room, we can use it. But in our rooms, it's a different story. I feel wrong going in without Matt's permission."

Despite my lack of common sense and human emotion, I can still tell Alieen is feeling uneasy. I may not have known her very long but from the short time I have known her, I can tell she is a very caring person. She cared about her friends. However, if Matt does have this lavender-scented water, then I need to know.

"I can do it," I say, placing my hand over Alieen's hand and pushing it down. "You do not have to do it."

Alieen looking at me shakes both her head and hand.

"No," she says, "No. No offense, but I think you being in there alone would be worse than the two of us snooping around together."

Taking a deep breath, Alieen opens the door to Matt's room.


"Wow," A says as soon as he steps into Matt's and Alfred's room. "This is messy."

"Yeah," I say, looking around. "Believe it or not, this actually isn't Matt. It's Alfred."

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