Chapter 21: Helping Hands

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"Do you know why we're here," Matt asks, leaning to the side.

"No," I say with a shake of my head, "But I hope it's really important. I was in the middle of something when Alfred called me."

"It should be," Matt says, leaning back. "We normally don't call group meetings unless it's life or death."

"So last month when you called a group meeting, that was life or death."

Matt pulls back his head and looks at me.

"Yes. It was. I almost died."

"You didn't almost die," I correct.

"Yes, I did."

"You ate expired chocolates and got a stomach ache. It wasn't that bad."

"I had to go to the hospital. You were there. So were Alfred and Alieen. You all heard the doctor."

"We all heard the doctor ask why you ate chocolates from last year."

"Chocolates had a long expiration date."

"No. What was long was waiting for the doctors to pump your stomach."

Matt lets out a chuckle.

"Yeah. You know, I thought it would hurt for a while after getting my stomach pumped, but surprisingly, it wasn't. Right after we left, my stomach felt better."

"No kidding," I say, playing with my short lightly-brown hair.

"Hey guys," Alfred says, waving at Matt and me as he walks in.

"Hey Alfred," we both reply.

"Hello Matt," Alieen greets, walking in after Alfred. "Hello, Leia."

"Hey Alieen," we both reply.

"Uhh, hello," A starts as he walks in after Alieen.

"Hey A," Matt replies. "Wait, A!"

"Oh come on," I shout, getting up. "What are you doing here? Why are you? Why is he here?"

No one answers my questions. Instead, Alieen walks over to me and hits me in the arm.

"Leia," she whispers. "You're being rude."

"I'm being rude," I repeat. I look at the guys as they all stare at us. "Alfred. Matt. Private conversation here. Please don't listen."

Alfred, Matt, and A all look at each other before they shrug their shoulders. They then all gather in a circle and talk among themselves.

"Alieen," I whisper, leaning in close. "Why do you keep bringing A back here? I mean, come on! Where's your common sense? Where's your stranger danger alert sense?"

"My what?"

"Your common sense and stranger danger alert sense. Okay, yeah, that last one sounds dumb but still. You don't have to look at me like that."

Alieen shakes her head and crosses her arms.

"Leia," she says while sighing. "I still have my common sense and my stranger danger alert sense."

"You don't have to say last that," I add. "In fact, please don't say it."

"Nevertheless," Alieen says with a chuckle. "Both of them are telling me A is fine. They're telling me he's not a threat. In fact, he needs our help."

"He needs our help," I repeat, "With what exactly? Oh no. Alieen, I'm telling you this now, and keep in that I'm normally not this rude, but A cannot stay here. It's already crowded enough with the four of us."

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