Chapter 1: Robbery in the Progress

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"No one move," I yell, firing my gun as we enter the convenience store.

Everyone screaming and dropping to the ground, I then aim at the cashier. Tossing him a bag, I point at the register.

"All the money in the register! Give it to me! Now!"

Firing a second round, the cashier then move, opening the register and tossing all the cash into the bag.

"You two," I says, turning to Larry and Kenny, "Get the customers! Grab anything that look valuable! Come on, we gotta move fast!"

The two moving to the customers, they begin snatching whatever they could; watches, wallets, even a few phones.

"Move," I repeat, slamming the counter with the butt of my gun. "Come on! Move! Faster! Faster! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!"

About to slam the counter once more, I stop when I notice someone standing up in the corner of the store.

"Hey," I say, turning to Kenny. Nudging toward the kid, he nod his head and quickly walk over to him.

Walking up to the kid, I stop when I realize he's homeless. Dress in clothes cover in stains, they also had holes all over them. His backpack alone look like it spend years in a dumpster.

Thinking it over, whether or not to rob him, I figure at the very least, we could make sure he didn't escape.

"Hey kid," I say, hitting a shelf with my pipe. "Hey! Hey! Oh for god's sake!"

The stupid kid ignoring me, I grab his shoulder and turn him around.

"Hey," I scream again, waving my pipe in front of his face. "Give me your backpack! Now!"

Shoving him back, I wave my pipe around some more.

To my surprise, the kid somehow remain completely calm. Pulling down his hood and moving his dark hair out of the way, he then pull out a pair of earbuds from his ears.

"Excuse me," he say, putting the earbuds into the pocket of his hoodie. "Are you robbing me?"

Grabbing the bag once the register is empty, I jog over to Larry.

"Hey Larry," I whisper, hitting his shoulder. "Where's Kenny? He isn't back yet."

"No," Larry reply, swiping some kid's phone. "He should've been back by now, right? It doesn't take this long to rob one kid. Here."

Giving me his bag, he follow after Kenny. Meanwhile, I stay and rob whatever the customers had left.

"Kenny," I whisper, looking around. "Kenny! Where are you, man? Come on, this is stupid. Did you rob that kid or not-"

Stopping when I found Kenny completely frozen in what look like a block of ice, my throat went dry.

"Holy," I scream, running to him. "What in the world happen to you!"

In front of him now, I saw that his eyes and mouth were wide open, and his weapon was flying out of his hand.

On the verge of hitting the ice, hoping it'd break open, I stop when I heard footstep behind me.

Turning around as fast as I could, I brought out my knife and lunge forward.

"Come on," I say, hopping up and down. "Where are you! Where are you two? I got the bags! Let's go! Let's go!"

Seeing one of the customer start to push himself off the ground, I aim my gun at him.

"Don't move--", I threaten before hearing Larry screams. Turning around just in time, I saw him fly through the air, right into the counter where the cashier is standing.

Breaking right through the counter, the cashier jump back and flip over the counter. Falling off of it, I grab him and put him into a headlock. Once in, I place the barrel of the gun against his head.

"Whoever, whatever you are, come out now. Come out now or I'll blow this man's head right off!"

Firing a shot into the ceiling, it made everyone screams and slam themselves onto the floor.

Swallowing a giant lump in my throat, I aim my gun down at all the different aisles. Switching from aisles to aisles, I settle on the chips when I saw someone walk out from them.

"A kid," I say, looking at Larry. "No. No way! There's no way you pushed Larry so hard he broke through a counter! Hey you! Come out now! Come on out or I'll kill this kid!"

Looking back at the dirty brat, I step back when I saw him suddenly in front of me. Grabbing the cashier and tossing him aside, he then grab my wrist. Screaming as he crush it, I drop to my knees.

Despite crushing the man's wrist, he still try to fire his gun. Moving it all around, he got lucky and aim at a little girl. Firing off a shot, I turn around and shot out my hand.

The bullet falling to the ground, everyone eye it as it spin around.

"What," the man says once the bullet stop spinning. "Wha--What are you?"

Choosing not to answer, I turn back to him. Realizing he was out of bullets, he then try punching me in the face over and over again. By the time he finish, he is out of breath and his hand is completely red.

Moaning and staring at his red hand, I turn myself into a green gas and seep in through his nose and mouth. Despite how quickly he swipe at the gas and back away, enough of me manage to get into his body.

Coughing and choking, he drop to his knees and hands and pound his chest over and over again, trying to get me out. Failing, he eventually drop to the ground, unconscious, and with me seeping back out.

Transforming back, I look around the store. All over, I saw eyes glue to me, watching as I walk out toward the sliding door. Before stepping out however, I turn to face the scare people.

"Do not worry," I say, a few people looking away when I raise my hand. "The robbers are unconscious. They will wake up soon. I suggest calling the police before they do. Bye."

Stepping out, I walk out a few steps before surrounding myself in little bits of black. Flying all around me at high speed, they soon encase me, covering and teleporting me back home.

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