Chapter 43: Pre-Prologue

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2 Years Ago

Screaming as he grabs the sides of my head, he knees me in the head before using his telekinesis power to push me back. I scream again as I fly through the air. Rocketing through the air, I would have fallen back into the moral world but luckily, Jacob catches me in time.

Flying through the sky myself, blasting and destroying some demon minions on his way, Jacob pushes against the wind and shoots up, grabbing me.

"Lafayette," Jacob says, slapping me over and over. "Lafayette! Come on! Wake up! Wake up! Lafayette!"

"I'm awake," I say, pushing Jacob away. "I'm awake! I just..have a massive headache."

"I think we all do," Jacob replies. We turn around and see the sky filled with other angels and demons. In the middle of a raging war, Jacob, I, and the rest of us angels are doing our best to guard the gate of Heaven. However, the demons appear endless, and their leader seems almost invincible.

The demons' leader, with dark red skin, two massive horns, and dead eyes, knocks back a group of angels as they attempt to attack him. With a simple swing of his wings, he shoots out a wave of hellfire that pushes all the angles back. Screaming as they catch on fire, Jacob and I fly over to help them.

"Help the others," Jacob yells. "I'll hold him off!"

I nod my head and leave Jacob's side. While Jacob crashes into the leader and enters a fistfight with him, I fly toward the angles.

"Hold on," I say, reaching them as fast as I can. Their once white wings are now black and burning. Moving fast, I reach into my pocket for a bottle of holy water. I basically rip the cap off and then start to sprinkle their wings with the holy water. Their wings return to their original color, and the angels stop screaming.

"Are you okay," I ask. The last angle I helped didn't answer me right away. It takes a few minutes, the whole time, he's struggling to catch his breath.

"He's too strong," the angle pants. "I'm...I'm not sure how much longer we can keep them back!"

As I pat the back and try to comfort the angle, I hear a dinging sound and look up.

"Oh no! The gate!"

The demon minions, with similar red skin but smaller horns and no wings, had reached the gate leading to Heaven. Gathering together, they bang against the golden gate over and over.

"Stay here," I say, leaving the angle to recover. Flying to the gate before the demons can force it open, I shoot my hand into the sky and transform.

As a shining holy light overtakes my body, I feel myself grow in power. Beautiful white wings shoot out from my back and my shirt and pants are gone, replaced by a stunning white grown. Around my head, a golden crown appears. Once the transformation is complete, I use all my power to banish the demons.

Now shooting both my hands at all the demons, I unleash a beam of pure holy light. As it shines, it burns the demons, turning them into dust before the wind blows them away.

Dropping a little after using all that energy, I snap back up when I hear Jacob screaming.


I turn my head and see Jacob now flying through the air myself. Even in his upgraded form, a white knight with shining wings, Jacob isn't strong enough to defeat the leader. I watch as the leader flies toward Jacob. He grabs Jacob by the throat and strangles him.

"Noo," I yell. Placing my feet against the golden gate, I shoot off it and toward the leader. About to punch him, he shoots out his hand and grabs me by the throat. Now, the demon leader is strangling Jacob and me.

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