Chapter 41: Captured

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The man, apparently named Moses, drops his box of doughnuts and charges toward me.

"Hey, hey, hey," I say, holding out my hand but Moses ignores it and runs right into me. Wrapping his arms around me, he throws me against the bakery's windows before turning around and throwing me onto the floor.

"Ahh," I cry out, pushing myself up. "Why did you do that?"

Moses does not answer me. Instead, he raises his hand before lowering it. As he does this, the bakery's shutters move by themselves. They roll down and cover the windows and door. Immediately, I realize what Moses has done.

"Telekinesis," I say, bringing up my fists. "You used telekinesis. You have powers!"

"What," the baker yells. I look to the side to see the baker frozen and stuck to the wall. Her eyes are shooting between Moses and me.

"I'm sorry about this," Moses says, holding out his hand to the baker. "I, uhh, I fix all of this later. For now!"

Moses turns back to me and jumps. As he jumps into the air, Moses pulls back his arm. He is trying to punch me but I move out of the way and grab Moses's arm. He screams as, this time, I throw him into one of the display cases. The glass shatters and the cakes flatten as Moses pushes himself off the display cases. Back on his feet, he charges toward me once more.

Moses throws one of his fists forward but I dodge it. As I pull back my own fist and throw it forward, I thought the man called Moses would dodge it. However, I am wrong.

Moses slams his arms together and blocks my punch. I, along with the baker and the two customers are knocked back by the shockwaves. Screaming as my feet slide along the tilted floor, I look back at Moses as he steps toward me with both his arms risen. I swing my arm but he easily blocks it by rising one of his arms. With his other arm, Moses throws a punch and it hits me right in the face.

I stumble back while holding my nose.

"Ahh," I cry out again. Thinking fast, I throw telekinesis blasts but Moses somehow re-directs all of them. With swings of his fists, he blocks all my telekinesis blasts, sending them into the walls, the floor, and even a few of the equipment.

"Again," Moses says, looking at the baker as she holds her hands over her mouth. "I am really sorry about that! I will fix it later! I promise!"

Moses looks back at me just as I pick up the cash register and throws the whole thing at him. He screams as the cash register hits him and loose changes and dollar bills rain all over him.

Moses, however, recovers faster than I expected. Shooting out his hands, he then pulls back them in.

"What the heck," I say. It looks like he is trying to use telekinesis but what is he trying to grab? I turn around and look behind me only to get hit in the face but a cake.

Crying out as the cake hits and blinds me, I feel all sorts of other pastries and baked treats hit me as well. Before I knew it, I was covered in frosty and whipped creams. As I wipe my face and shake off all the whipped creams, I hear a scream and turn back around.

"I'll be back to clean up," Moses yells as he charges toward me. Before I can do anything, Mosese once again wraps his arms around me and teleport me away. The two of us are in a whirlwind of black mist before disappearing and reappearing. As the two of us fall outside the whirlwind of black mist, I immediately start to burn. My skin is set on fire and white smoke starts to come off it.

Screaming as I fall to the ground, I start to look around.

"Am I," I say, doing my best to look through the white smoke. "Am I in a church?"

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