Chapter 45: Missing

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Hearing a knock at the front door, I put down my spoon and head toward the door. Grabbing and opening the door, I see a tall young man standing there. He had short brown hair and is wearing a red coat with an orange undershirt. He smiles and nods when he sees me.

"Excuse me," the young man starts. "My name is Jacob. I don't suppose, by chance, Lafayette is here. Is she?"

"No," I say, shaking my head. "Leia--Layafette isn't here. She left a few days ago and we haven't seen her since. I'm sorry."

I try to close the door but can't. Somehow, the door is now stuck. I throw my whole weight onto it but it won't move an inch.

"What the heck," I say. As I keep trying to close the door, I see Jacob still standing there. Only, he's not just standing there. Looking down, I see Jacob waving his hand around. The way Jacob is waving his hand, I recognize it almost instantly.

"A waved his hand like that when he used his telekinesis power," I think. "Oh no."

Now pushing against the door, trying to shut it, my feet scraping against the wooden floor, I look back up at Jacob.

"Oh my god," he says, his smile disappearing as he looks at me. "You know. Don't you?"

I give up on the door and turn around.

"Matt," I yell, running up the stairs. "Alfred! Call the police! We have an intruder!"

As I run up the stairs, I see the door opening and then Matt and Alfred coming out. Alfred is holding his cell phone.

"Alieen," Matt says. "What's going on?"

Reaching the top of the stairs, I'm about to tell the two about Jacob but before I can, I feel something grab my leg. Screaming as I fall to the floor, I'm then dragged down the stairs. Hitting each step until I reach the bottom, I push myself over and see Jacob standing in our hallway.

"Alieen," Matt shouts. He runs down the stairs after me. About halfway down, he places one hand on the wall and his other hand on the railing. He then throws himself into the air.

"Take this," Matt screams as he tries to kick Jacob but with Jacob's power, he catches Matt in mid-air. Now hovering, Matt looks down at me before looking at Jacob. "Oh boy."

Jacob looks up at Alfred as Alfred calls the police. Placing his finger on his thumb, Jacob flicks something invisible at him. Whatever it is, it hits Alfred and knocks his cell phone out of his hand. Alfred's phone breaks as it falls onto the stairs.

"I'll owe you a new phone," Jacob says, now picking up Alfred. Alfred tries to hold on by grabbing the railing but it's no use. Jacob's telekinesis is too strong. He pries Alfred's fingers from the railing and brings the three of us together.

"You all know," Jacob says. "Don't you? Lafayette, you reckless idiot."

Jacob turns his head around and whispers something to himself. As he whispers to himself, I turn to Matt and Alfred.

"What do we do," I ask. "We can't move."

"I would say cross our fingers," Matt answers, "But I can't even move my fingers."

"Just stay calm," Alfred says. "Just stay calm."

I nod my head as Jacob turns back to us.

"You three are coming with me," he says. "We need to have a long talk."

With that said, Jacob waves his hand in front of us. As he waves his hand, my eyelids start to feel heavy. I can't keep them up and before long, they close and I see nothing but a black void.

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