Purity, Chapter 1

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My bare feet walked on top of a watery flooring that mirrored the night sky above me. I stepped only on the stars like the little lights were the only things holding me up. Though when I took a step into the darkness I found myself falling right into it and immediately resurfacing like I was being born by the earth itself.

As I rose up I began to pull a twisted sword out of my chest as if it was sheathed within me. Emerging from behind a roaring army, and unleashing a massive beam of blue flames and lightning right through the backs of the unsuspecting enemy. Screams of pain and terror boomed through the battlefield as I started stalking towards them all.

Swinging the twisted blade forcing bolts of lightning out of it like a conductor. I went to bring my blade down onto someone's head but the sword was caught. A tall cloaked man grasped between the blade's twists and pulled it towards him, forcing me closer. Once in reach he grabbed my neck and started to squeeze, choking me slowly lifting me from the ground. My sword fell from my fingertips and it disappeared as it left. I clawed and hit at the man's arm while gasping for air.


I got yanked out of the cleansing waters right as I was starting to black out. Panting heavily and coughing up water violently, the high priest walked up to me gripping my face as Sister Nan and Sister Beth held onto my arms.

"These demons are taking over your mind more often as you grow older. If it becomes more of an issue I will not hesitate to get rid of you for the good of our God."

The wrinkles across his forehead tripled up into the baldness of his head as he furrowed his brow. The priests pupils dilated as he used Themis's eyes checking for essentia and as always, there would never be any. I am only mordl like him and everyone else here. Yet he does this all the time just to make sure. Though if I had abilities I would have destroyed this place by now and take all of us kids out of here.

I shivered from both fear and being cold from the waters. "It is not demons, please believe me."

He smacked me across the face, even looking really frail and old he still could hit really hard. Shutting my eyes as warm tears rolled down my stinging cheek.

"Do not ever speak back to me, little girl. I should just send you right up to Blagden and have those creatures take care of you."

At least in Blagden I would be given mercy and just be killed for being mordl. If these stupid dreams would just stop happening all of my issues here would be done. He is right about something though, they are happening more often, not just in my sleep. I was only playing piano with Sister Nan when it took over. Focusing too hard on the keys and sheet music forced me to zone out, then I blinked and now I am here.

"Get her out of here." The nuns lifted me up from under my armpits, bringing me up on to my feet. Sister Beth then took my wrist forcefully and pulled me out of the nave. Squinting my eyes slightly from the bright change in rooms. Some of the toddlers were running around chasing each other, while nuns watched them in the main hall and common room. It was nice enough for the front door to be wide open and you can see more of the kids out playing.

I tripped a bit over the old tattered carpet as Beth yanked me forward leading me to and up the grand staircase of the minster. Unlit yellowed melted candles stood on posts on the bottom and top of the stairs. The candles in the sconces on the white stucco walls had melted down, tarnishing the color in waxy streaks. I wonder if all orphanages looked crappy throughout Ernaline, or was it just this one? The Sutara did use to run the country even though they were overthrown, I would still assume they would live in better condition than this.

She brought me into my room, simple not really decorated though it was clean apart from the desk. Ink splotches stained into the wood on the floor, all over the drawers and desk top from zoning out and knocking over the ink pots. "Hurry up girl, get cleaned up and get yourself to my room for more lessons."

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