8 Years Later, Chapter 26

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"You tiny little prick, when I get out of here I am gonna snap your fucking neck!"

Twirling a blade in my hands sitting on top of Gabe's desk, my foot rested on the armrest of the chair he was tied to. Looking through papers dropping each one I read on the ground before him. All foraged papers that he wrote pretending to be Ryland to receive our shipments.

The blood from his face dripped all over the fallen papers, his broken teeth scattered everywhere. Blood dripped from where his fingernails were ripped off, the nails sat next to me with bloodied pliers and pulp from his flesh still caked on them.

"Yunno you've been saying that for about an hour, yet the ropes are still digging into your wrists."

The mask muffled my voice making it distorted and low. Scooting forward I laid in his lap, putting the blade to his neck slowly and softly sliding it against his skin.

He was shaking, "please please I'll pay it all back, I'll get him everything he needs, please just don't kill me." Gabe started sobbing, snot came bubbling out of his nose. I put my legs over one of the chairs arms that his arm was tied to, then leaned back against the other arm putting the knife to my mask. Lounging myself across his lap.

"Yunno you should have maybe just stayed in your damn lane and do your job, then you wouldn't be in this sticky situation." I swung around and stood in front of him, putting my hands on his arms. Glaring at him through the mask like a cat who caught its mouse.

"I'm bored of you now that you started crying. That's pathetic you're a grown ass man."

Walking behind the chair slowly running my fingertips across his biceps and shoulders, he sobbed pleas as the smell of ammonia filled the air.

Chuckling and poking my head next to his, "you pissed yourself you fucking child."

I lifted my mask, something I always did before killing, showing them that a woman, not only a girl but the symbol of new life, was here to take theirs.

The look on their faces was always so priceless. Smirking at the man digging my blade into his throat slowly dragging it along as he let out screams before gurgling on his own blood.

Adjusting my mask back on, holding his head back to watch the light and soul leave his eyes before taking off his signet ring as well as his makeshift copy of Rylands'.

Running across the city roofs was always my favorite thing to do especially while the adrenaline after a kill was bursting in my veins. Sneaking in through Rylands office window I plopped the rings on the desk in front of him. "That was fast?"

I took off my mask before sitting in the chair next to him, "I got bored, and he pissed himself."

Ry chuckled, "course he did, thanks Little Dove." Binx was sitting with him under the desk, since not able to travel through shadows he stayed home during my hunts. People would also recognize him putting two and two together.

"Alright go get cleaned up, you're done for the night. Poppy wants you early tomorrow too."

Leaping up from the chair, "sir yes sir!" Yelling and saluting sarcastically. Taking off the now pissed smelled armor and shoving it away to the floor boards to be cleaned later, untucking my braid from the under shirt and cap then took a bath.

The water still turned to blood every time I went in, 24 years old and still having issues. My issues had gotten worse at my first mordl kill when I was 16, the screams of the man still running through my mind. With that one kill it meant no turning back in this life, and I haven't stopped killing since.

The only time my mind would quiet is when I was with Emberleigh, the only person that was keeping me grounded to myself. Hudson left her the next year after the tower went up, and Cyrus left me after finding out I was Rylands adopted daughter that same summer.

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