Chapter 13

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The morning sun coming from the window was warm and inviting on my face, opening my stinging dried up eyes. I looked out the frosted window to a bright blue sky and stared out for a few moments.

The snow absorbed any sound that may have been coming out leaving the world in silence. Binx's form changed again, this time into the black wolf he last showed at the Rivaak attack.

Pulling myself from bed, and headed to the bathroom, the clothes I left on the floor were now gone. Turning to the mirror, I was able to see my face. Puffy red eyes, still somewhat stained. The ends of my hair were a burnt orange from the dried blood, twisted and sticking together making tiny locks all over.

It's been two days, my mind was finally made up to actually bathe, scrubbing my skin so hard it was rubbed raw nearly bleeding. Washing my hair repeatedly 'til it was dried and tangled. When I could no longer stomach being in the bath that my mind made to be full of blood instead of water I got out, dried off and dressed not even bothering with an eye covering and headed downstairs.

Binx went down before me, Ryland sat in a chair next to the couch writing and reading different papers, he looked up from them. "You can stay in bed all day if you wish."

I got to the couch sitting on my feet, "sitting there is not going to help me or Emberleigh, I need to go to her."

His brows raised, then he brought them together with concern "I am sorry, but Evander has put a lock down through the city for another day, no one is allowed out."

I balled up my fists and pounded on the couch cushions, "of course. Lovely."

He got up from the chair and came to me, holding out his hand. "I need to show you something downstairs."

His voice was soft and comforting, I took his hand and let him lead down. My mind was so full yet empty at the same time that I had completely forgotten it was my birthday, Christmas.

He took me to the front of the bakery, a big cloth was draped over something.

"Go on, uncover it," coaxing me forward. I took off the cloth revealing a grand piano, it was glossy black wood. So shiny we could see each other in it, absolutely gorgeous.

"I know you hated playing it, but I figured that it was a different time now, and it would be good for you to.."

I turned and hugged him tightly, cutting him off, "it is perfect Ryland, thank you."

He held my head up, "if you want it in your room I will put it there, if you want it in your own building I will buy one for you. I will get you whatever you need or want Lily."

My blank expression turned to a soft smile, as a tear rolled down my face, probably the last one my body could produce in days. "I do not need anything Ry, you have given me so much more than anyone. Let's keep it here, I do not want to be stuffed in my room always."

Patting my back, "okay Little Dove, and one more thing." He held up a small blue box that fit perfectly in his hand. Giving him a slightly agitated face he plopped it in my hands.

The box was hinged, I opened up the top revealing a thin silver bracelet. A closed bangle, twisted in a lace like pattern. In the center of it was a pyramid cut piece of rainbow moonstone, on either side it had smaller sphere cuts of the same moonstone. My lip quivered, I had never received any type of real jewelry before in my life. Only the flower bracelets and necklaces June and I would make.

He took it out of the box, it unhooked under the center gem, gently taking my hand and he hooked it onto my left wrist. It almost fit perfectly, in a few years I would grow into it, making it fit even more perfect. "I don't know what to say, because I feel like thank you just is not enough."

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