Chapter 25

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While in the bakery a massive crowd of people were gathering and seemed to be storming to the center. They had various tools and weapons in hands marching themselves there. Yelling different chants and words.

Ryland ran out "stay here!" He locked the door from the outside of the bakery and disappeared into the crowd. All I could do was watch this parade of pissed off people, I looked at Binx who stood guard at the front. "Binx, stay."

He obeyed, I went through the back hatch and slipped underground. Running through the slushy cold tunnels until I got to an icy ladder. Going up it would spit me right behind a building near the schools. Crawling myself out and running out to the mob, guards were holding back with shields at the gates.

Different things of smoke were being thrown into the crowd forcing some areas of people to disperse. With the people fighting back this hard I could tell some guards were second guessing everything. Pushing my way through the bodies, no one noticed me. They were so angry, red with rage.

The leaders were still inside of the castle, I could see them peeking from windows and balconies. I found myself scaling wood beams up the front of a store.

Swinging myself up and over a frozen sign, now able to see the mass of people, a horde. Tears streaming down their faces, I recognized so many of them from coming to the bakery or even me giving them medicines.

I stood up on the beam, balancing and reaching up to swing a chain from an old bell. The damned thing scared me whenever it was windy while walking from school or Em's house.

I swung hard, "HEY! UP HERE!" People closest to me turned but for the most part I was ignored. I rang it faster, more furious and annoying, making it rattle my brain, "CAN EVERYONE CHILL OUT FOR ONE DAMN SECOND AND LISTEN TO ME!"

I screamed demanding attention, more people looked, but I was being matched with a bunch of fuck you's and shut ups. "You all are being absolutely ridiculous, pathetic and selfish that none of you can go a little bit without essentia! I and so many others have been going entire lives without it! I survived a massive attack by Rivaaks without it!"

I lifted my shirt to show my scars. The new brand still bandaged tightly, "I am 14 years old and at 12 I know I have done more than most of you all have in your lifetime!"

Taking a deep breath most if not all were looking at me now, peering down at them I saw Rayna holding Henry up on her shoulders and June next to her holding hands watching me, "many of you know me from making your medicine and delivering it, and making sweets by hand. Nothing I have ever done had essentia evolved."

My heart hammered in my chest "I get it that it is like losing your soul, a massive piece of you but do not make that the only thing you have going for you! I promise you once you die no one will remember you, because all you had going for yourself was something countless others can do."

"You're upset sure, but atleast you are not being murdered on the street because you have essentia running through your veins like your families and ancestors did so long ago to the Sutara! Even then if they survived they endured and dealt with not having powers! How do you think they would think of this all?"

Someone yelled back "yeah but now we will be murdered on the street for being mordl!"

Crunching my brows, "no you will not that is bogus! If anything the Castor's would do the opposite and sympathize!"

I took a massive breath from my stomach. "You all are still allowed to live the life you have, it just doesn't have one thing in it! Your jobs and lives have been done and can be done without essentia, use this short time to learn and be grateful for what you still have!"

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