Chapter 51

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"We need to create another one, this one has been ruined and she is too unpredictable." A soothing male voice, talked in a calm whisper.

"It took us an eternity to create this one, I will not give up on her. If we do, then the Æsir and Vanir will claim her completely." This woman sounded so strong and unyielding, like she could command armies.

"Maybe they should have her, we should be separated in these matters and not work with them or any of the others anyways" The soothing man spoke again.

A massive thud, "we are not starting over, this is who we have and we are keeping her. We will speak with the Æsir and Vanir, along with the others."

I didn't understand anything, the Sutara worked with Themis, other deities and the olympians. Why were they talking about Norse gods? Everything was black in my vision, I wasn't able to see anyone at all, only hear their voices.


Coming out of these dreams kept getting worse, unstoppable nose bleeds even my ears bled and a headache that felt like someone smashed my head in with a hammer. It would take me a few moments to figure out if I was awake or not. I must have drifted to sleep right when I laid down, my mind was always so groggy but no matter the amount of sleep I'd get it would feel like I got none. It felt like years since my last good sleep.

Looking around, Binx was not here with me. In full panic mode I ran through the castle, it must have been the middle of the night with how quiet it was.

Bursting through Aiden's room, he was sitting at a desk, "Lily you shouldn't-"

"where's Binx? Where did they bring him?!"

Looking into each of his rooms, "what are you on about? No one has been in your rooms. Everyone has been instructed to leave you alone for the day and night."

Thinking a bit more clearly, if Binx was taken he would have made a sound or gotten away in the shadows. I knew he wasn't hurt, if he was I'd be able to feel it. Since he was my familiar we had a connection to feel each other's emotions and pain.

"If you haven't felt anything, he is fine and will be back. Cethins are unpredictable." Before the conversation could get worse, though my mind was already overthinking that Binx left me forever, I left. Walking down the hall Aiden talked after me, "I'm sorry Lily. I know it doesn't fix anything. I'm pissed at myself for what I did by keeping Marina a secret from you."

Still walking away from him, "honestly, I don't want to hear it Aiden. I am not a toy neither is she, stay in your own lane of royal people and I'll keep with the other charity cases."

Sitting around in my room over thinking about everything wasn't going to bring Binx back. Sneaking around the castle once again, I was able to steal a massive cloke before heading out of the castle to the library tower. I grabbed one of the many knives hidden up top. While getting it, my very first mask Ry gave me fell out. He still had my new one and my other armors, he took the armors back after our meeting with Evander along with my mask. I kept the mask in hand and headed out to the outer circle.

This was fuckin stupid I knew that much, putting myself out as bait in hopes someone from the underground would grab me that was my plan right now.

Making sure I was clear of Rylands men, since they would tell him I was out of the castle, yet still being obvious enough to others, hopefully.

I started to make my way over to Poppy's, just a girl wanting to mourn her old friend.

The city was different, it felt so lonely and empty, nearly hopeless. It was so quiet as well, no one spoke in buildings and no one seemed to be out walking around or even at any bars. Lambegus felt like it was dead, just like Kardama.

Getting to the front of Poppy's shop the ground covered in dried up Poppy flowers and yellowed old lilies. It did weigh my heart down to see the building by myself without anyone else.

Letting myself in, though mostly emptied there were still some things scattered around, helping myself to some stuff to put on my knuckles, they were throbbing bad and still slightly bleeding. Looking around a bit more as I wrapped my hand, I just still couldn't believe she worked with Kade as well as sacrificed herself for Jace.

Nothing just added up or sounded right or maybe I am just turning into everyone else in the world and being closed minded. Spending a bit more time before leaving, my plan worked because right outside the front door were two massive orcs.

Looking at them making a terrified face, "don't ya scream now girly, don't wanna get hurt now do ya." He grabbed my face putting a bind around my mouth then tied my arms together before throwing me over his shoulder. Wiggling around trying to get free, or atleast acting like I was trying to. Holy shit this was a really fuckin bad idea.

Parading me through the pits, there was a significantly less amount of people here now, the others were most likely in the dungeons or hopefully got away. Taking me up to Claeg's office then plopping me down in a chair before his desk and ripping my hood down. "Leave us."

The wight commanded his goons. "For someone who was just kidnapped you seem very calm."

Walking behind me he removed the binding around my mouth, "maybe because I was hoping this would happen, seems a hell of a lot better here than inside castle walls."

One of his hands went to my shoulder and the other with a blade to my throat, "you do know I am going to kill you and display your corpse across the city."

I tilted my head back, looking up at him "is that a threat or a promise."

Squinting his eyes looking into mine, "if you kill me, Kade will be here in seconds slaughtering everyone in sight and it will all be for nothing."

Letting go of me and circling in front, leaning on his desk, "You purposely got yourself caught, didn't ya? You want something."

I nodded slowly, "I do, and I need to make sure Ryland does not know about it."

The man smirked, "keeping secrets from your father?"

I leaned forward, "oh I'm keeping secrets from everyone."

His arms crossed, still holding the knife, "what is it you want?"

Leaning back into the chair, "a distraction and supplies. I figured out how to destroy the crystal. As well as found the shapeshifters and can get them out." I really didn't figure it out, I was just taking a massive chance and guessing.

He laughed hard "and I'm supposed to believe and trust a mordl in this?"

My face was serious, "yes, the king is being controlled by Sutara, they are inside the city and have been ruling over it for years. Under the castle is a massive dungeon and it's filled with the shifters, they are being experimented on. I may be mordl, but I fucking hate the Sutara more then anything."

He studied me, "and why not go to your father?"

Rolling my eyes, "he's the one that locked me away in the castle. Going to him is out of the question."

Claeg tapped on the hilt of the knife a few times, "and if this goes wrong?"

"I'm taking the full blame, I'll be charged as a traitor. I'm dead by the new year anyways when Kade gets me. Then when they kill me he will do the job for us and kill them all."

He shook his head chuckling, "you're lying your ass off right now, you are nothing but a Sutara bitch."

I crossed my legs more comfortably and held my old mask up "well too bad for you because I am here to collect my reward. This is the favor I want from you."

His single eye widened, staring at the mask than me. We were the only two people in this room the night of the deal, he couldn't doubt that I was Erembour. Turning his head to look out the window to his pits, "it was so obvious yet none of us could believe Erembour would actually be Rylands daughter."

He sighed, "What kind of supplies do you need?"

We chatted for some time, before he let me out himself. He promised me he would keep my secret but I honestly didn't care anymore. I knew the secret would be out eventually.

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