Chapter 21

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The special of the day, sour dough, learning now through training the specials actually meant something, sourdough was for Rylands men to stay under the radar, to behave and not call attention to themselves. The bakery was a good cover up, for Ryland to have the best of both worlds. Being a full on criminal but also being loved by everyone around him and getting more insights on what was happening in the city. He didn't do anything bad technically, the people of the city were not afraid of the guild in a way they kept the city safe from monsters, mordl and non mordl.

Helping the guys in the back for a few hours, most of them did not show up this morning. When I finished up I went to spend time out with Emberleigh and Hudson for a bit.

She was freaked out quite a bit from the whole Blagden situation. We were sitting at the river way overlooking the middle ring, Binx laid across my lap. Em was between Hudson's legs leaning her back against his chest.

"Castle guards made their way around this morning, they came to my house and spoke with my father." Hudson was looking down at Em's shaking hands as he spoke.

"He left with them, all experienced military left this morning for the north to keep Blagden in Thornegrave." My chest felt so heavy, they didn't do that with Ryland. He was still at home, but it made sense now why some men were missing this morning. Em's father was disabled he was missing a leg so he would not be drafted out for this.

"Do you think the kings will put up the essentia barriers?" The barriers were still something I was looking into that the Sutara set up in every kingdom. It was all still around but just not active.

"I doubt it, Em, the armies would be useless if they couldn't use their essentia. They rely on it too much." Hudson was right, Ryland told me this so many times that men have been using their essentia in fighting so much that they are losing touch with actual hand to hand combat. Especially losing touch with themselves, unable to do anything without essentia.

"Lily? You're quiet, did something happen?" She was concerned, they both looked at me with worry.

I shook my head, "it's just a lot to take in, I feel like I am still adjusting from Kardama. Now all of this is happening."

I chewed on my lip, "there is nothing to worry yourselves with. I'll be okay." It felt selfish of me to complain about anything right now, I had everything. Everything but Jace. With this news of us building an army, I knew Jace wouldn't be back anytime soon.

"We all will be, I just know it." Em said matter of fact, "Actually now thinking about it. I have no idea what your abilities are, Lily." The dreaded conversation, Em's abilities were still a mystery to me but they did seem rather obvious. I also thought it was a bit obvious that I was mordl, coming from Kardama and all that happened.

Shrugging at her "never had a reason to speak about it I guess, you've never shared yours with me either."

She smiled "didn't think I'd have to, I shapeshift into a fox, and can manipulate fire

She always reminded me of a fox, with her energy and just appearance, she's right "well, I don't have any abilities Em. I'm fully mordl with nothing about me."

Her and Hudsons brows crunched together and jaws dropped as they looked at me, "Wait, are you serious?"

Nodding, smiling small while looking down at my fingertips. "yeah there's nothing special about me. Been tested every year since I was born. Absolutely nothing."

"That's so odd. Of all the people I'd assume you would have something." Hudson sounded fully confused.

"I feel horrible. I've been acting like such a bitch since Callen. I didn't even think about how you'd be, especially now knowing you don't have abilities. You've just been so strong through it all."

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