Chapter 37

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Waking up with the sunrise and hearing no sounds of people even being awake I finally did fully unpack my things then got myself ready for the day. Just wearing a simple skirt and top, choosing a top that actually had a higher neck in hopes it'd hide Kade's marking which it didn't.

The same maid from yesterday had come in knocked then came in, "good morning Miss Lily, I have come to take you to show you the gardens where you'll be having breakfast."

She was timid now since I snapped at her, giving her a small sweet smile getting up to follow her silently Binx following right beside me.

The Castle was massive and overwhelming, hanging flowers in every corner, windows and paintings living all over the walls.

We went into the East Wing and through some doors that opened outside to a stone patio lined with a canopy of trees. All different colors and sizes of flowers and green plants, and winding pathways ending to a gazebo, Queen Amice sat at a table full of fruits and breakfast sweets. Another maid standing with her along with some more guards.

"Good Morning Lily, I am so happy to see you. I half expected you to not show up."

Stepping up to the table and seats, she gestured for me to sit across from her. Taking my seat "if I am going to be here I might as well try, nothing is going to be accomplished by me staying in a room."

She nodded, her maid turned over a dainty tea cup and served me. Being served on really made me uncomfortable, especially knowing that in actual technical status I'd be lower than them on a ranking that it should be me serving the maids.

Making small talk and shoveling food into my mouth for sometime, after breakfast Amice took me around the castle giving me a tour.

"Can I help in the kitchens?" She looked at me confused, "we have quite a lot of cooks, there might not be any room for more."

Felt like she didn't want me working with others, like I was too good for it. "Oh, okay." Seems like she heard the sadness in my tone "though I am sure they might be able to fit you in if that's what you want."

After taking a tour we sat in the atrium for some time. It was probably my favorite place in the castle apart from the library. A guard came walking up to us giving the queen a perfect bow. "I am sorry to disturb both you and your grace but there is a girl named Emberleigh here wishing to see Lady Lily."

I wanted to correct him but she cut me off. "Bring her in, perfect timing too because I have some things to get to."

He turned and walked away, "are you sure it's okay for her to be here?"

"Of course it is Lily, you aren't here to be isolated from people. Besides, she is a very sweet girl and her family are very respected." Em was coming into the atrium with her face covered in awe looking around like she couldn't get enough, looking down at me she ran right over I could tell she wanted to squeal in excitement but stopped herself.

Approaching us she curtsied before Amice, "thank you so much for allowing me in your home your Grace. It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Emberleigh." Em's strawberry hair was pulled back into a braid she must have just gotten out of work, her voice almost fake it was to overly sweet and nice. "Of course dear, now if you two would excuse me and both of you have a lovely time together."

"Thank you for showing me around Amice, it's very beautiful here." Smiling at me as she stood up, "anytime Lily, I will see you later okay."

Once she left the atrium Em finally let out her squeal "I can't believe you actually live here! This is absolutely incredible Lily!" Spinning around looking everywhere she could.

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