Chapter 8

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I had not said a thing in the few days I was in the infirmary, though I was making progress and able to get around slowly. The cethin stayed close to me, even hissed at some nurses if I winced in pain.

My leg was not as bad as I thought it would be, it was not broken, it was just a bad gash through the muscles. The worst was the massive bite that took up a huge portion of my side. Chunks of flesh and muscle were missing, when they changed my bandages the pinkish white bones of my ribs were even visible in some areas.

Everyone was just confused on how I did not turn. They even did weird tests to make sure like dropping my blood in water to see if it sinks and stupid things like that. To only confirm every time that I was fully a mordl with no abilities. Once they trusted I was just me, they let Ryland take me.

Behind the bakery itself was actually his house attached, though I never really went into it. Especially since he made my makeshift work bed just on the side of the kitchen in an unused pantry.

Ryland led me right into a massive yet simple home, through a door in the back of a kitchen.

He helped me walk down a hall that opened up to a huge living room filled with a few couches and chairs, and a fireplace on the far wall. Huge fluffy fur rugs scattered over the floors. Archways to other rooms were on every wall, through one I could tell was to a normal homey kitchen, the others were halls leading to rooms I could not see.

He was quiet the entire time, bringing me to the right hall that revealed three doors, two were opened, one being a full bathroom, the other a bedroom. He opened the third, which was another bedroom, the smell of fresh lead paint wafted through.

My books and some things were put on a desk at the end. The room was the same size as my old one, yet felt more full for some reason.

The cethin jumped up onto the bed and curled up in a ball getting cozy, "you'll stay here until further notice. You should follow his lead and get some rest."

Ryland left the room, closing the door behind him leaving me and the shadow cat alone. I hobbled around the room to snoop through things a bit before laying in the bed, which felt like a bed of feathers it was so soft and comfy.

I did try to sleep, even got a few hours in. Yet woke myself up screaming, Ryland ran into the room to me, grabbing and holding my shoulders.

"Lily, you're safe, you're here in the back of the bakery. This right here is real, there's nothing bad here." Sobbing, my forehead fell onto his shoulder as I nodded hiccuping cries until I started calming down.

Once he was sure I was calm he left and I laid back into bed absolutely drained and defeated.


The next day Ryland had me sitting in the front end of the bakery just to be out and socialize saying it would be a good distraction from the pain mentally and physically.

It did help, apart from the people staying away from me like I had a plague thinking they would turn into a monster. I kept my normal cloth around my face to keep my eye hidden, not wanting anymore attention then I already had.

Sooner or later the gossip from the nurses will come around and they would tell people what was under the wrappings. So I would just milk it until they came for me with pitchforks and torches.

By afternoon the place was cleared out and Ryland had gotten back from doing deliveries.

"King Evander and Queen Amice are here with their son to pick up their order, you may go in the back if you wish."

I stayed and started taking out the boxes, fumbling a bit. Ry ended up coming to my aid to help me. Since the attack their arrival was rushed a bit, they weren't supposed to come for a few more days. Ryland said business had been so slow though from everyone being a bit nervous in the village so he was able to get the order ready quickly.

Whispers From BelowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora