Chapter 49

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Bolting out of my room towards Aiden's, the guards following me close by, "Miss Lily, it is late you must be in bed." Ignoring them and getting to his door I just let myself in assuming he was asleep.

When I got into it I heard somewhat familiar noises, turning to his bedroom, the door wide open a naked woman was on top of him bouncing her body on his waist. Aiden had looked over, pushing her off of his nakedness, "Gods, Lily."

It took a second for me to realize they were having sex. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" A guard went to grab my arm instead I just left the room myself. "Lily! Wait!"

Closing the door behind me. Back at my room I locked myself in with Binx. Pacing back and forth not knowing what to feel I just left the castle again putting the same cloak back on.

At Poppy's place I just put on my mask and grabbed a knife, no armor or anything and made my way to the outer ring. It was raining and thundering hard so I kept to the alleys and roads. Finding a brothel, mindlessly crept up the side and into a window with moaning people.

A decently handsome man, and a strumpet with his dick in her mouth. Weird way to make children. He saw me and freaked, the girl bit down on him and he yelped in pain. Going around the room I locked the door and blocked it.

My mind or body didn't feel like my own right now, even though I knew this was not the way to go about jealousy. I slit the girl's throat quickly and threw her to the ground. The man now backing away, was speaking but I heard absolutely nothing, he fell to the floor tripping on a slippery fur rug and I shoved my knife right through his eye.

Twisting and pushing it in till he stopped moving, continuing to mutilate the man I cut out his other eye then cut off his cock, shoving it into a bloodied eye socket.

That night went on with a rampage, killing eight men and ten women, one of the men had two girls with him. By the time I was done I was fully covered in blood like I bathed in it. The rain washed off a decent amount of it though back in my room I spent the rest of the night scrubbing the blood out of my hair and from under my fingernails, even burning my cloak in the fireplace.

When coming to my senses the crash of regret and guilt rushed into me, falling asleep sobbing. I had completely lost myself, and was fully aware of it now. It was bound to happen, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner though. Sitting on my bed Rayna had appeared as well just staring at me full of sorrow.

In the morning after getting myself together a maid came in bringing me breakfast. As she left I didn't hear the door close, when checking on it Aiden was standing in the doorway.

"Good Morning your highness, unfortunately I am quite busy today. Maybe come back another day."

There was really no need for me to be the way I was being. We weren't together, we kissed twice.

"It'll be quick", shutting the door and striding over to me sitting at the table, I focused on a bowl of fruits since there were really no sweets in the castle. Fruit was the closest thing.

"I get you're upset but killing people is not the way to go Lily."

Rolling my eyes, "first of all you're not my father, second how do you know it was even me? Third, if you think it's me then just arrest me now, General."

Closing his eyes "I'm not arresting you, I truly don't care about the killings."

Eating a few blueberries "then why are you here?"

Tapping his fingers on the table "to apologize, I shouldn't have strung you along at all."

My eyes rolled back so far, "you should have just told me and I would have been fine. Or if you wanted sex then I would have given it to you."

Shaking his head, "I am not taking that from you Lily. That's not mine to take, that's the person you're married to, to take."

Laughing hard at him "now you sound just like a Sutara, so you and her are married?"

"It's not just something from religion Lily, it's how it works in royalty. A woman should only be lying with the one she's marrying. No, she and I are not married."

Crossing my arms "I'm not royalty so those rules or whatever do not apply to me. Then she isn't royal? See this all doesn't make sense, sounds more like you making up bullshit so I don't get pissy. Honestly I don't give a shit, what I do care about is you courting me around in public like I am a prized horse. Don't court someone around unless something is going to come of it."

He sighed, closing his eyes, "she is royal, she's from Tallulah. I know you are not royal, but I still do not think it's right for me to take that from you. You are not any kind of prize Lily, but you're right I shouldn't have courted you."

Binx put his big head on my lap, letting me pet him "my virginity isn't something you get to decide. Again what you're saying is contradicting, she's royal but you both are not married."

His jaw clenched, "her and I are to be married. We are betrothed."

Being cheated on definitely sucks, but finding out that you're the girl that was being used kinda felt worse. "I got into the dungeons last night, there's massive rooms flooded with dead bodies and an even bigger room with cages filled with hundreds of shifters. They are being experimented on, the reason why no one can get down there is cause it's all Sutara, they are everywhere. Any guard with blue gems on top of their hands is actually Sutara."

Changing the subject felt better than continuing that conversation, he was shocked, "how do you know they are being experimented on?"

Looking at my familiar, "Em's ex is down there, he told me what was happening. They go into a room and get injected with things, either nothing happens, they get sick, they die. Or even worse it works and they fully shift into their form losing all mordl they have left. Though that's not it, they also now can use different elemental abilities. I didn't see this for sure but by the sounds of it, it seems true."

He rubbed his face and eyes, "I'll figure something out to let them free."

Shrugging, "no need, I figured it out myself and I can do it alone. You shouldn't be involved, if it goes wrong and it is found out the prince did it you could be in the same situation as your father."

His leg was bouncing, "the same applies to you though."

"No it doesn't. I am useless to them, the worst that'll happen is I die which isn't a big deal at this point."

He punched the table hard, "you really need to stop with this doom and gloom shit. I get it you're upset but there are people that care for you."

Gripping onto the table and pulling myself forward, "and most of them are now dead because of me."

Pointing to Kade's rune "this is just a clock to show that I'll die in the new year anyways by Kade. I'd rather get killed doing something that matters."

He leaned back "I really don't get why you are trying so hard with this."

"Cause it's my fault this is even happening!"

His eyes rolled, "when I was younger Leon poisoned me and gave Ryland 48 hours to convince Evander into letting him into the country. Instead of just letting me die he gave the Ok and saved me."

"My father didn't give the ok, the Sutara did."

Throwing my hands in the air, "whoever did it, it still was because of me. Now please leave, I have things to get done." Standing up and heading to the bathroom just to get away from him, he gripped my shoulder.

"I don't have a choice in this matter, I do not want to marry her. Being royale sucks and we can't even pick who we'd actually want."

Shaking his hand off of me, "just sounds like people are too lazy to make a stand and change that or they secretly like the rule." Locking myself in the bathroom I listened for him to leave. 

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