Chapter 22

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 Em, Hudson, Cyrus and I were all walking around the city while it snowed. We both were always on edge when it snowed now. Flashbacks of Callen would fill our heads, though we would never tell the boys that we just told each other at night. But today was different, there was no blood, no dead people, no screaming, just all of us laughing and talking.

It really felt like I was being a normal teenager right now, though I just needed Jace here to be next to me. I use to count down the days till spring when he'd be back, now not so much. Knowing he probably won't be back for awhile.

When Cyrus put his arm around me, my heart would ache so deeply with guilt. That I was enjoying time with him, but he was not Jace. It felt like a sort of betrayal.

The sun was setting, we all were walking up to the willow tree. Covered in snow and ice it was beyond mesmerizing, the snow weighed the edge of the branches down to the ground making a sort of cave with them.

Em scurried inside and we all followed, the sunset was hitting the snow so perfectly it sparkled, the white reflecting back the fiery colors from the sky.

Under the willow tree the branches glazed over with the frozen crystals, as if they were lights hanging down especially with the oranges from the sun beaming into them. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Last year we did not go out much in the snow after Callen, it just didn't feel right without him.

"It's like a tree made of quartz, it's gorgeous" I said out loud in awe. Em laid down in the snow waving her arms and legs making an imprint in it, looking as if she had wings. Hudson helped her up as she got up to him she shoved snow into his face, which started the all out snowball fight.

Cyrus and I vs Hudson and Em, gathering snow and making balls chucking it at one another. Soon enough it was a free for all, chasing each other around using some of my training. I got myself behind Cyrus and put snow down the top of his shirt.

"Hey! No fair!" He yelled before chasing me, giggling both of us red faced from the cold. He caught up to me, grasping my waist before twisting us and hitting the ground.

Laying on top of him, I raised myself up still giggling. His leg wrapped around mine in a fluid motion and flipped us so my back was in the snow. Both of us were beaming, our breaths heavy and visible in the cold raw air.

He brushed the back of his hand against my cheek wiping away snow clumps and flakes, scanning my face before looking at my lips then he brought his down on mine.

Kissing me softly, I had no idea what to do other than lay there, and follow his movements, hopefully kissing him back. My heart racing and body felt so warm, completely flustered and taken away by my first ever kiss.

He pulled away looking at me, "I'm sorry, I just needed to."

Covered in blush smiling, "it- it is okay, you can do it again if you want."

Smiling, he took that as an invitation to kiss me a few more times, my body felt like it was melting, my palms and between my legs felt warm. No wonder why people do this all the time, just this alone felt amazing as is. Or maybe it was just the sheer fact of doing something I have always been told was a deadly sin and it was like smacking the Nuns in the face.

As he pressed his body against mine I felt something hard at our waists, my mind took me to the men in the alley way snapping me away from this moment.

No longer in reality I was back in that alley with them, my whole being knew it was fake especially feeling the snow in my hands. But my mind just wouldn't let go.

Able to gather enough sanity I pulled away quickly and sitting forward he slumped to the ground, "I'm sorry did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you?"

Shaking my head I couldn't get the scene out of my mind still, I felt like I was looking at myself and not in my own body.

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