Chapter 32

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Through the week my mind was riddled thinking about the hidden door, but for some reason just couldn't get myself to tell Jace or Ryland.

Erembour was the whispers of the week. The rumor of him being shot had people either happy or very upset and worried that he was dead. Little did they know I was walking among them all right next to my best friends.

Jace was still upset that he was bested by someone and not even in a fight but by being stupid and tricked. I wasn't really skilled at fighting, Ry and I knew that but tricking people and staying hidden since I was smaller was my skill. My body count is only as high as it is because outsmarting and studying these people were to my advantage, I was observant of them before making any moves.

Once actual fights happened, fleeing or trapping my opponent was mostly my only resort. If Ryland wasn't the only one training with me I'm sure my fighting would be so much better then it is. Maybe that's why people were so nervous with Erembour, because no man likes to be tricked in any way.

Jace and I were sitting under the willow tree, people judging as they walked by, making up their life stories by just the way they are dressed.

So many new people came in this week from the other kingdoms just because of this ball. Some people's features I've never seen, some skins were covered in a bark-like texture, some covered in scales and some looking as if they are made of rocks. People tinted shades of red, blue or green.

"They are all incredible looking, it's not fair that you got to travel everywhere and see them all."

His chuckle was quiet, "I'm sure you will see the places in person yourself at some point, I'll take you myself if I have too."

Watching the water "if only there wasn't a war brewing in the lands."

He hummed, "what makes you think a war is brewing?"

"Dunno maybe it's the random rare sightings of different creatures and them also acting differently. Or maybe it's the draft and small armies still guarding the lands from Thornegrave. If it's not a war from Blagden it'll be a civil war, people are getting antsy."

Over hearing the people speaking through the months many people were starting to second guess everything and really missing their essentia. Couldn't blame them, the leaders did say it was going to be a short time and we are on 10 years, almost 11 now without it.

"You're scared aren't you?"

Looking at him, "no shit I am, in both ways cause my dumbass spoke up years ago and made myself the poster child of this damn crystal. I'm dead regardless, hell I'm already dead without that because of Ryland."

Jace's hand covered mine in the grass, "nothing is going to happen to you Lily, there are too many powerful people in the world that want to keep you safe and will. If they won't I will."

He was right and I hated it, still not understanding why anyone cared about the charity case of an orphan.

There has to be an end to kindness at one point, "it's my fault Blagden is here you know that right."

His hand squeezed mine, "that is not true and you know it. Ryland told me about what happened, none of it is your fault. Leon was a cunt, he played fucked up games none of us knew the rules of. Besides, he's gone now."

I sighed, "yeah, because of his own son. Which everyone seems more scared of him than Leon."

Jace looked up through the branches of the willow tree, "No one knows what Kade wants that's why. He and his siblings went missing a very long time ago. No one really knows him other than of his abilities."

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