Chapter 40

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We went right under the bars, some of them had rusted and broken away, vines were being pushed away and slipping into the boat over our faces. Popping my head up as we came out of the castle wall,

"How? The castle is in the middle of the city?" Aiden continued to push.

"Honestly I don't have a clue at all. Never could figure it out. All I know is we had just gone completely under the city."

The city walls had ferns, moss and vines flourishing up it. Gorgeous green trees lined the riverway. It smelled so fresh and earthy my body went into a slump with relaxation.

Even just a few feet away from the city walls I still felt so free and like I could breathe again.

Ryland hasn't taken me out of the walls in months for training. He said I didn't need it but I think it's 'cause the creatures were swarming the forests and lands. At least that was the rumors on what was happening.

"Is it safe being out here?" Under his seat he pulled out a sword, "with this, decently safe. I highly doubt we will run into anything Lily, don't worry."

Rowing farther the trees started thinning out to fields and mountains, yellow and orange flowers sprinkled across the grass. Birds and bugs singing their night time lullabies, frogs croaking, crickets starting up their chirps.

I leaned back, the ends of my hair falling into the water looking up at the tree tops and pink orange sky. Even though it was the end of the day it was still very hot and sticky out. Sitting up, my wet hair wapping my back, we had gotten to a more open part of the river. I stood up the boat rocking a bit. "Sit down Lily, you'll tilt the boat."

Smiling, "what are you afraid to get wet?" Kicking off my shoes and lifting out of my top dress, leaving my corset and under skirts I jumped right into the water, swimming back up breaking the waters surface turning to the boat, Aiden's mouth was gaping yet smiling his head tilted slightly as he laughed.

He stood in the boat keeping his balance and took off his shoes and shirt. The years of training he'd done did quite well in sculpting his body. Small scars sprinkled across his body and a few tattoos painted on his tanned skin resembling smoke and flames.

About to jump from the boat he instead tripped on the ledge and fell in, as he came back up I was laughing at him "very graceful your highness."

He shook his head like a dog, water spraying from his hair, a toothy smile on his face "thank you thank you I try very hard on my diving skills."

Tightening my lips "maybe you gotta practice more."

"Yeah I guess I do." Laughing, he swam over to me, his hair plastered to his forehead. "How did you find this?"

"I was very bored as a kid, not able to leave the castle without guards and not even being able to go to school. It made me learn the ins and outs of the castle, I came across this all in castle maps."

Laying back and floating in the water, "and I thought you were just a boring prince."

Closing my eyes, thinking about when Ryland first taught me to swim in that ice cold water that burned my lungs and skin.

"I'll have you know that I am a delight to be around and very fun!" Smiling, my spine chilling from my memories "yeah yeah yeah."

Splashing my hand in the water, "and what about you? I thought you were a perfectly behaved lady, it seems like Ryland rubbed off on you huh?"

Tilting up facing him flipping my hair, "psh, I am well behaved, though I am no lady."

Laughing "thank the gods you aren't because they are beyond annoying, and their parents are even worse." He was so handsome, I could barely stand it. Water pebbled on his skin and dripped from his hair.

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