Flufftober: A Sweet Treat (Halloween Pt.2)

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(Established Grumpy x Sunshine)

"This is going to be so much fun," you tell Sam, carrying a large bowl of candy to the front of the Tower.

"Where is Bucky anyway? No way he's ditching us, if we have to suffer, we suffer together," Sam pointedly remarks.

"Handing out candy is suffering?" you guffaw, placing the bowl of candy on the small side table you set up earlier.

"I just don't understand how we got stuck with trick or treating duty," Sam grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.

You roll your eyes, repeating the reasoning for what felt like the dozenth time, "Nat, Wanda, and Vision are on assignment. Tony and Clint are with their own kids. And this is punishment for that whole armory thing a couple weeks ago, remember? And the only reason Steve isn't here is because he's going to children's hospitals tonight."

"I still maintain that we did nothing wrong. It was all Steve and Bucky."

"What's so bad about this anyway? We got to put up some cool decorations," you say, gesturing to the fake spider webs that cover the entryway, the glowing jack o' lanterns each member of the team had carved, along with the flickering lights the three of you had spent all day putting up, "And we get to hand out sweet treats to kids, sounds like a good night to me."

"I guess," Sam sighs. His begrudged expression dropping as he takes in the sight of your matching costumes, "Pretty good costumes too."

"Right!" you excitedly agree, looking down to your matching costumes.

Sam was wearing a Thing 1 costume, while you matched him wearing a Thing 2 costume. The both of you wearing fuzzy little blue caps to match the ensemble.

It was a funny little nod to the day Tony had assigned you three with trick or treat duty when he offhandedly called you two Thing 1 and Thing 2 with the amount of trouble you and Sam always found yourselves in.

You both exchanged knowing looks in the conference room, silently agreeing on your costumes right then and there.

Bucky was not as agreeable about tonight.

He didn't want to dress up, much less go out and have to find a costume. You solved that by offering to get a costume for him. Something nice. Something you knew everyone would love.

He just didn't think to look in his costume bag until you and Sam were already dressed and out the door. He pulled it on, and had refused to step outside since.

"Seriously, where is he?" Sam demands again.

"I'm right here," Bucky grumbles from the other side of the door.

"Well, what are you doing? Get out here!"

"I'm not stepping outside in this."

"What's wrong with it?" you innocently ask.

"I can not be seen like this," Bucky firmly declines. "I will never live it down."

"Please," you gently plead, still speaking through the door. "I really wanted to see your costume."

"Do it for the children," Sam taunts.

"If Sam says one word," Bucky threatens. "I will not be held responsible for what the children see me do to you."

"It's not like we're not dressed up too," Sam retorts, adjusting the blue fur hat on his head.

"Come on, I thought it was a great costume!" you cajole. "Pretty please?"

Bucky shuts his eyes, steeling himself for the teasing he knows he's going to face after this. He takes one last deep breath, opening the front door to reveal his costume.

More specifically, his full length Cat In The Hat costume.

"Oh my God," Sam slowly exclaims, his mouth literally dropping in glee when he finally sees Bucky in full costume.

"You look so great!" you marvel. "But where's the nose?"

Bucky frowns deeply, pulling at the chin strap that holds the long, red and white striped hat up, "I can where the nose or the hat. Not both."

"You did this to him?" Sam laughs, his eyes watering and laughter racking through his entire body. "Thank you, thank you so much!"

"What?" you innocently shrug, turning away from Sam to put a gentle arm around a particularly grumpy Bucky. "He didn't want to be one of the Things, but I wanted to stick with the theme."

"This is the best Halloween ever!" Sam decides, still unable to cease his overzealous laughter. 

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