Even In A Burning Building

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AN: Based on Tumblr post by @/hcnnibal as requested by the lovely @/toomanyfanficsbruh

(Pre-established relationship)

You prop Bucky up against the wall of the burning building. You admonish him as he tries to push your hands away from his wound, "You are so stubborn!"

Bucky angrily sucks in a breath, the smoke filled air getting caught in his throat. It doesn't stop him from continuing this argument with you, "Me?"

"This is going to hurt, just hold still," you warn before taking a piece of Bucky's shirt and pressing into the stab wound.

You knew the serum would help heal him, you just needed to make sure he didn't bleed out before it did.

Bucky gasps, groaning in pain, "Damn it!"

"I told you it was going to hurt!" you shout back.

"No, damn it that you're stuck here with me!"

"Okay, I know we're fighting, but you'd really rather be stuck here alone than with me?" you ask, a little offended by Bucky's frustration with you.

Only a few minutes ago, you were faced with a decision that sealed your fate. You both knew you could've gotten out, but you would've had to leave Bucky behind.

He begged you. He ordered you. He shouted, bargained, did everything to convince you to leave him. You wouldn't hear it.

And now, you were stuck here with him. Sealed off in one of the few rooms that were still standing.

He hated himself for it.

"I'm mad because all I wanted was for you to be safe!" Bucky fumes. "I'm mad because now the love of my life is trapped inside this burning building with me!"

Your hands still firmly planted on his side, your head whips up to look at him. You softly exhale, "What?"

His unbloodied hand, rests underneath your chin. There's a tenderness that shouldn't be in the eyes of someone very literally standing in a burning building, "Why do you think I took that knife for you?"

"Why do you think I'm standing here in a burning building with you?" Your eyes flutter shut as you lean into the feeling of Bucky's calloused fingertips trailing your cheekbones. You open your eyes and look at him with all the sincerity and adoration that you feel for him, "Because the thought of leaving you here, the thought of leaving you hurt, of you alone for just one second, is worse than the thought of being stuck in a burning building."

You lean forward, resting your forehead against Bucky's. "Damn, you're good."

"I know," you chuckle. "Now, that's enough of that. We should probably figure out how to get out of here."

"I thought we agreed that it was useless."

"Well, that was before you said you had feelings for me! We can't just die now, it just got good!"

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