Close To You

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You can't ignore the dramatic pout on his face anymore than you can ignore him. You look up from your book with furrowed eyebrows and a mostly playful sigh. "Why are you pouting?"

He twists a stand of your hair between his fingers. "You're not close enough."

You're not quite curled into his side anymore, but leaning against his vibranium arm with a pillow cushioning the unyielding metal arm. Though you wanted to be closer to him, after some time, the metal can get just a tad uncomfortable. "I can't be any closer to you."

"Well, I don't accept that." He doesn't like that. Not in the slightest. And it's in his state of touch starved desperation, he gets an idea. "Can you just sit up for a second?"

You oblige, quirking an eyebrow at him, "What are you doing?"

"Getting closer to you."

You don't really know what he means until you hear a metallic clink against the coffee table. You look beside you to see his arm, now removed and giving you space to be closer to him. Instead of saying anything, you just smile at his silly, if not entirely endearing antics, as you scoot closer to him. "Better?"

He nods with a content smile and continues to play with your hair, "Much better."

Grumpy x Sunshine DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now