Chapter 15- Agents

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I am so sorry this chapter took so long to get out! I normally don't take so long, but I had a rush of school and I'm finally over with it. So now, I have summer break and I can appeal to you all.

On with the show!

"Who are you?" Sherlock asked.

"You should have asked your girlfriend when you had a chance," Lori responded. She was leading him away. Through some dark hallways.

"I'll ask again, who are you?" Sherlock demanded.

"Mary Morstan," She replied in a tone implying that she had lost. Sherlock searched his brain for a Mary.

"Oh," Sherlock smiled, finding something. "The trained assassin that went rogue. You were famous for a short time." Mary snorted.

"Only in the government, Mr. Holmes," She replied.

"That's what I was suggesting," Sherlock answered. Mary shot him a glare.

"Look, I'm just trying to save you and your friend." Sherlock gave a quizzical look. "So far, there's a plan."

"Do you work for Moriarty?"

"The one you're referring to, no. But, someone like it."

"What's the 'plan'?"

"Sebastian will take her to Moriarty while I distract you, so you can't call for help."

"Why are you helping us?"

Mary stopped and looked at Sherlock. "I want to stop. I want to get out of this life of crime."

"You were forced to marry Sebastian, right?"

Mary nodded. They continued to run down the halls, sneaking through doorways. "I was already pretty scary in the force. I also was becoming rebellious. Sebastian was one of the loyalest people working for them. They decided to have us married, so I would stop in my ways." She smiled. "But, it only made me worse." Sherlock smirked.

"How far?"

"A few more hallways."

"How much longer?"

"Be patient!" Sherlock sighed at Mary. Then, there was a small bit of light at the end of the hallway. "There it is, don't go in. Watch for my signal."

"What's the signal?" Sherlock whispered.

"You'll know." Mary walked ahead of Sherlock. Sherlock stood by the doorway. Mary walked in. It was a giant ballroom that was deserted. Sebastian came in, tugging Shelby with him.

"He occupied?" Sebastian asked, his words echoing in the room.

"Of course," Mary stated. Shelby struggled.

"Let me go!" She yelped. Sherlock fought the instinct to run in. But, before he could even think of the subject, someone came in.

"Ah! Shelby! Long time, no see!" A girlish voice with an Irish accent announced. She had straight dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She wore a black suit with a white undershirt and a black pencil skirt. She wore red heels, similar to Shelby's. She looked evil. Almost like Jim Moriarty.

"Jamie Moriarty," Shelby spat back. Sister of Jim? No, probably friends. Maybe like Shelby and Sherlock.

"Oh," Jamie pretended to be offended. "You don't like the party idea? Fine." She shrugged. "I guess I'll have to go back to killing people."

"What do you want?" Shelby hissed.

"Oh nothing," Jamie replied, nonchalant. "Just you and your friends dead."

"Oh so soon?"

"HA! No! That would be too boring of me!" Jamie's tone switched to grave. "No. I will take all your little friends and let you have the pleasure of watching them die. Then, you will have no life. After, I won't kill you. No! You'll kill yourself." Shelby's eyes narrowed. Jamie smiled and her voice filled with joy. "Speaking of your little friends, let's go find them! Start with Joanie. She's always full of surprises." Jamie turned and Mary walked to her side. Shelby struggled. "And," Jamie added. "If you try to get away, you will be killed." Red sniper dots all focused on Shelby. She sighed and stopped struggling. "Let's go!"

Before Jamie could even move, a gunshot rained out. A man fell from the ceiling where the snipers were perched. Jamie put on a quizzical expression. Suddenly two gunshots sounded almost at the same time. Two men fell, on opposite sides of each other. Shelby smiled. A rain of gunshots happened and before a sniper could stop them, all of them were dead. Shelby instantly elbowed Sebastian in the stomach. Mary looked over at Sherlock and winked. Sherlock ran out and punched Sebastian in the face. Sebastian was knocked out, cold. Sherlock smiled and looked over at Jamie and Mary. Jamie was outright fuming with anger. Mary smiled and threw keys to Sherlock. He caught them and started to unlock Shelby's handcuffs. Jamie had a look of disbelief cross her face.

"I knew it!" She yelped. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" Jamie lunged at Mary, Mary narrowly dodging. Sherlock saw Sebastian had a gun on his belt. He grabbed it and pointed it at Ms. Moriarty. She froze.

"Go, Mary," Sherlock stated with ergency. Mary obliged and ran out of the room.

"No matter what you do, she will be hunted," Jamie spat. Sherlock sighed. Shelby got up and brushed off her dress. "But, I would suggest you let me go."

"Why?" Sherlock condemned. "You're a consulting criminal, highly wanted. Why would I let you go?"

"This." Jamie pulled out a phone from her pocket. It was a camera phone, much like Irene's. No, it was Irene's phone. "Yes, it's her's." Sherlock froze. He had noticed it wasn't in it's usual spot and thought he had put it in another drawer. The break-in that he had discovered and saw nothing was taken was just a fake. There was something missing. That camera phone. Sherlock's eyes narrowed.

"Give it back," He hissed.

"Now, if you lower the gun and let me walk away, I can guarantee this will go back to you. If you don't, well, let's just say this phone will be destroyed." Three dots were filled in. It was the code to destroy the phone. Sherlock lowered the gun. He saw Shelby debate on whether she should stop him or not. Jamie smiled and slid the phone over. Sherlock quickly picked it up and when he looked back up, Jamie was gone. Shelby huffed.

"Why did you let her go?" Shelby demanded. "What's so good about some camera phone?"

"Not your business," Sherlock stated. Shelby sighed. Joan and John rushed in.

"Shelby!" Joan yelped. "You are so lucky that I was there when you needed me."

"So you were the one to save us?" Sherlock asked.

"We," John piped up. "We saved you."

"Thank you, both," Shelby responded. She sighed. "But, we need to get out of here."

My Significant Other?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora