Chapter 12-Notes

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HEY GUYS! I got 1k reads on this story!!! I really never expected this to happen. I guess you guys enjoy the adventures of Shelby, Sherlock, John and Joan.
WOW! Thanks a lot guys, I really mean it!
Okay, the game, readers, is on!

Two days passed before the next case.
Two days of boredom.
Which meant Joan could easily get killed.
But this time, Shelby didn't do such things as shooting the wall or throwing knives. She just sat at her piano. Sometimes playing a few notes and writing them down, or just playing chords.
Joan was impressed at the sociopath. Composing? Joan thought she just liked to play it, not write her own songs. Shelby would sometimes play what she wrote down altogether, and it sounded good. No, it sounded spectacular! She really was a Mozart.
But Joan noticed something else in the consulting detective.
She got up earlier or didn't sleep at all. She never ate, only drank tea. She just sat and played.
She never really acted like this. Normally, she at least did something productive.
She seemed to be remembering something.
And Joan knew what it was.
"He was just like Sherlock," Shelby remarked, randomly one day. "Looks exactly like him."
"Did he act like Sherlock?" Joan asked.
"In a way, yes. Towards us he was more loving, though," Shelby answered. She smiled, tears coming to her eyes.
"Well," Joan responded. "How's the piano?" Shelby looked relieved at the change in category.
"Great." Shelby dried her eyes and acted like nothing happened.
After two days passed, they got a text.
Go to, Borough High St. On London Bridge. Found something you might want to see.
It was from Grace. Shelby instantly smiled.
"Finally," Shelby rejoiced. "I wanted some action."
The scene was flowing with police. Shelby and Joan found that Sherlock and John were late.
"They never come on time," Greg told them. Joan was a bit relieved. Shelby had smiled a bit when they said that they were coming. Even though it wasn't visible, Joan knew Shelby was smiling on the inside. Shelby started to look at the scene.
"Sorry." Sherlock and John jumped out of a cab, late. "We didn't mean to be late," Sherlock stated, apologizing. John smiled towards Joan and she returned the gesture. They stood next to each other. Joan was happy John was here. He was the only sane person she knew.
But, Joan felt something bad was going to happen at this scene.
The victims were a female and male, again. Was this a serial killing? Shelby checked they way they were killed. Yes. The female was stabbed and the male was shot. So, was the last sister responsible? No, the sister confessed to the last murder and was in custody. Shelby looked around confused.
"Looks like we have a serial killing," Shelby muttered. "Lestrade, has this been kept under the rug?" Shelby turned to look at Grace. Grace nodded. "Keep it that way, no use in having the public in this game."
"Game?" Grace asked, disgusted in a way.
"Well, that's what the killer would call it," Shelby stated. Joan's eyes widened a bit. "I would refer to this as a case, but the person behind this is calling it a game." Shelby's brain clicked. "Find the note!" She yelped, her face draining of color. Everyone looked at her, wondering what she meant.
"What do you mean by note?" Sherlock asked.
"Last scene there was a note," Shelby answered. "A riddle telling me where to go. I got another riddle and didn't solve it. Well, I did, but I forgot about it." Shelby put her hands to her face in anger. "I could've stopped this!" Shelby shrieked. She released her hands from her face and rubbed her temples, eyes squeezed shut. She sighed, releasing the anger. "Okay. We need to find the note. If I was psycho killer, where would I hid a note?" Shelby thought aloud.
"Somewhere no one but you would look," Sherlock answered. "If that's what you're referring to."
"Yes," Shelby stated, absentmindedly. Her eyes looked at the two. Male, came back from tropical trip along with the woman. Boyfriend and girlfriend? Seems good. They had romantic ties, due to the picture of them together kissing, poking out of the male's pocket. Was the killer working their way down? Married, boyfriend and girlfriend, acquaintances and strangers? Shelby's eyebrow quirked. What was Moriarty trying to say? Suddenly, she saw small note stuck to the railing on the bridge. She grabbed it and opened it.
Like I said, someone might turn blue.
I was disappointed. Very disappointed.
I was impressed how you figured the first riddle so clearly, but then you ignored my instructions.
This is what happens.
Now, I love to party and I am going one, so you are coming. By the end of the night, you have to locate two of my spies.
It's a masquerade, so bring Joan and John along. And don't forget Sherlock.
**I would suggest fake identities, my spies know who you are.
Here's the invite! I hope to see you! And if I don't two more people will be dead!!
Shelby cursed.
"Well, get ready to party," Shelby muttered.

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