Chapter 6- Normalcy

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"Bored!" Sherlock cried out. He was splayed out on the sofa with his violin in one hand and his bow in in the other. John sighed and ruffled the paper.

"Call Molly up and see if you can use the morgue or the lab," John suggested, reading today's article. Boring, nothing was going on in the world today.

"She's training the new boy today, so she can't let me in!" Sherlock whined. "I NEED to do something John! Where's a good mystery when you need one?" John groaned.

"Can't you be normal for just one day?" John put down the paper and picked up his coffee.

"NO!" Sherlock shrieked and jumped up. "I will never be normal! Being normal means idiocy! I will never succumb to such unruly ideas!" John rolled his eyes.

"Sit down. I was just suggesting it."

Sherlock groaned and flopped back down on the couch. John picked up the paper and scanned it once again. Sherlock flipped around on the couch.

"Life's too boring," John muttered.

"And you just realized that now?" Sherlock's phone buzzed. He leaped to grab it, dropping his bow, and read the message hungrily. Once he finished, he smiled widely. "John, we have a murder!"

"Oh great," John groaned as Sherlock hurried to get ready. "Thanks criminals."

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