Chapter 9-Getting Information

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“Listen!” Shelby shouted at her phone. She was so glad Sherlock and John weren’t around to hear her shouting at her sister.

“Well, it couldn’t have been him,” the other voice on the line hissed.

“It was!” Shelby defended.

“Fine,” the voice sighed. “What do want on him?”

“I need everything, Myleene.” Shelby stated.

“I’ll email you the files,” Myleene responded. “Keep in touch.”

“Bye.” Shelby instantly hung up. Her sister was so annoying. It wasn’t like Myleene cared anyway. She started walking to where Joan would be. She was worried about the victim. He was a long time family “friend”. Gary Simon. He went to the same school as Shelby. He was a popular, but he never made fun of her. He was... what’s the word? Nice. Yeah. He was nice. Shelby and Gary had been mutual acquaintances. Sometimes partners for science and maths, but that was about it.

She really hadn't cared about him. And he probably felt the same.

But why was he fighting against her?

Shelby strode in, putting on a fake smile.

"How is he, Joan?" Shelby asked. Joan, John and Sherlock turned to looked at her. They were all surrounding the unconscious Gary. 

"Which he?" Joan replied with a smirk.

"All of them," Shelby answered. 

"Well, the man you talked to is unconscious and cuffed to the chair. John's completely fine and Sherlock hasn't said a word," Joan explained. Gary snored in the metal chair he sat in. They were in a dining area, only because it was the closest thing.

"I wish we could have a better place," Shelby muttered.

"So, who is this man?" Sherlock inquired.

"Gary Simon. Male. 32. Lives alone. He was a family "friend". I use the term friend loosely. He was our neighbor and he went to school with me. He was a good kid. The only thing I need out of him is who does he work for and why does he work for this person," Shelby replied.

"And you know he's an office worker?" Sherlock quizzed.

"I know all the simple deductions, Sherlock," Shelby responded, asperity heavy in her tone. Sherlock smirked. "Let's just get this over with. I would suggest standing back.” Sherlock shuffled back to stand with John and Joan who stood a bit away. Shelby loosened her scarf and put on a fake smile. Then, her face was right in Gary’s face. “Gary,” She cooed like a mother waking her child. “Wake up Gar-bear.” Gary opened his eyes, slowly.

“Five more minutes,” He mumbled before opening his eyes. Once he finally saw Shelby, his eyes widened and he squirmed with fear. “Why are you in my face?” He asked, shifting in his chair.

“Because,” She replied simply. “I can.”

“Really?” Gary snorted and pushed his face towards hers, causing Shelby to back up. Shelby saw out of the corner of her eye, Sherlock’s jaw clench.

“Yeah.” Shelby turned. “I can do anything I want.” She started to walk around the chair and stopped at Gary’s back. Gary struggled. “Like torture you for information.” Gary stopped struggling and gulped. “But, that’s the second option.” Gary relaxed a bit. “Even though I could make it the first option.” She placed her hand on his shoulder. Gary tensed and tried to get away. “Oh please, struggling will get you no where.” She placed her other hand on his other shoulder. Gary didn’t move, probably scared. Shelby leaned next to his ear. “Calm now. I’m not a monster,” She whispered. 

“What do you want with me?” He asked, panicked.

“Information,” She murmured into his ear. She stood up. “All I want to know is who do you work for and why do you work for them,” She announced.

“I’m low on money. Can I leave?”

“No, you answered one question that I obviously knew the answer to. Now, who do you work for?” Shelby asked, nicely. She moved one hand from his shoulder to brush his cheek. Gary stated nothing. Shelby smiled. “I know you can talk.” Her tone was flirty. As much as she wanted to puke, she couldn’t. Why couldn’t he just answer?

“Mor-” He muttered, the rest of the word tumbled out, unheard.

“What was that?” Shelby brought up her hand again, brushing his cheek. She then moved it to his neck. He shuddered at the sudden touch. “I couldn’t hear you.” She leaned closer, placing her head on his shoulder. Gary gulped again, this time from holding in answers.

“M-m-moriarty.” He replied, quickly closing his mouth. Shelby saw Sherlock and John tense. Joan’s eyes widened. Any normal time Shelby would tense, but she had to keep fluent. She needed answers.

“What’s the first name?” She uttered. Shelby walked around to the front of the chair. Gary’s eyes were wide, his pupils dilated. Shelby wanted to laugh. How gullible was this man. Thinking that she was flirting with him. She leaned in next to his face. “Should I repeat the question?” Gary nodded. His eyes became wide with excitement. “What’s the first name?” She asked in a hushed tone. She leaned in a bit more and tilted her head. Gary leaned forward.

“Jamie,” He stated breathlessly. Shelby snapped up and smirked. Joan froze.

“Thank you!” She shouted. Gary was alarmed. “That took forever! You have some okay skills at disclosing information. Normally it takes about five minutes, yours took about seven. Good job!” Gary quirked an eyebrow. “Joan, lock him up! He deserves it.” Joan sighed and walked over. She started to undo his cuffs from the chair.

“Don’t worry,” Joan muttered. “She does this every time.”

“That seems to be your new catchphrase, Joan,” Shelby stated. Joan turned.

"Well, you are abnormal," Joan responded. Shelby opened her mouth to defend herself but Joan stopped her. "And people need to know that what you do is expected."

"I'll get Gary," Sherlock stated, obviously seeing the tension between the two.

"Thank you," Shelby replied, her eyes not tearing from Joan's onward stare. Shelby broke first and started for the entrance. Joan sighed and followed, motioning for John to join her. Shelby was angered. Why was Joan so mad at her? What did she do wrong?

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