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Episode 300: April 2031
Special Friends: Isla and Daniel

The little intro jingle plays through the headphones on their ears, signaling the start of recording for todays podcast episode. Isla and Daniel were sat on the couch on one side on the set, while Amani sat on her own armchair opposite them.

"Hello everyone, welcome back to yet another meal!" Amani starts, cheers echoing throughout the small studio. "Today, I've got two very special guests: my best friend Isla and her husband."

The crew claps along in the background, giving their own added effect. It was something Amani had joked about doing during their early days, but it seemed like everyone on set had wanted to run with it.

"Hey!" Isla giggles, glancing at Daniel who was now pouting that he didn't get introduced by name. "I miss being on this podcast."

"You guys are actually our three-hundredth episode." her best friend points out, stretching out her hands and eliciting a round of cheers and applause from her crew.

Islas eyes widen. "Shut up, are you serious?"

"Maybe it's a hint that you need a life." Daniel jokes, his eyes crinkling with how wide he was smiling.

Amani narrows her eyes and point an accusatory finger at him. "This is why your children like me better than you."

Isla laughs loudly, falling back onto her end of the couch. It didn't matter how many years her and Daniel bad been together, nor that Amani had been one of the first people to shake some sense into her when she broke his heart. Those two would always find a way to bicker and annoy each other, and Isla loved every second of it.

"Hey!" Daniel pouts, sitting up straight. "Take that back."

"Speaking of the kids, how's baby number two?" Amani quickly changes the topic, turning her attention to the woman by his side.

Except he answered her anyway, letting out an exaggerated hug. "A mummas boy through and through."

"Serves you right!" Isla exclaims, almost offended. "Nellie was a full on dads girl until she was a year old. That's when she started accepting me."

"All I'm hearing is all I've gotta do is wait till Noah is a year old and he's all mine."

Amani laughs at the couple, watching on with a smile as Daniel pulls Isla into his side and presses a kiss to her head in apology. "Is life any boring for you guys now?"

"When you've got two kids, nothing can ever be boring." Isla shakes her head, relaxing into Daniel's arm that was now around her shoulder.

"If you're not feeding them, you're changing their diapers." Her husband answer, counting the tasks off on his fingers. "If you're not doing either, you're forced to entertain in any way you can. And when you're not doing any of those, you're getting a tiny fraction of sleep."

"How different is everything now without work?"

"It's definitely been weird, I've only been retired for a year but I'm definitely feeling it. I'm enjoying the stability a lot though, not traveling around as much."

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