Quarter Quell Ideas?

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I am very very very excited to write this story! I just have one teensy little thing holding me up. I need ideas for the quarter quells.

I've been thinking about possibly asking other Wattpad quarter quell authors if I could incorporate their ideas, and then like dedicate a few chapters to them or something like that. It would make their story possibly more well known, so let me know if you are/know anyone that would be interested in that 😊

I found some ideas online as well, I just want you guys to say which are good and which aren't, so I incorporate the good ones and not the bad ones.

Hunger Game quell ideas:

•Each day, a section of the arena gets blown up and the available space for tributes to be decreases

•different sections in the arena

•dead tributes are revived

•each day into the games, more tributes will get added in

•Parents are reaped and must submit a child to enter in the games

•an age is reaped and both tributes have to be reaped from that age

•one person is called per district and all relatives in the 12-18 range automatically join

•There's two arenas and when each arena reaches it's halfway point (12 tributes) they'll be put into another arena

•the reaped tributes choose who enters the arena

•families of losing tributes are executed

•weapons hidden around arena and not in cornucopia

•the amount of tributes for each district goes by district number (D1 has 1, D12 has 12)

•in the arena, everyone starts off tied to a tree

•if your district partner dies, you have 24 hours to kill someone else or you perish

•all the names are in one bowl. Must manditory to have at least one from each gender in the games so names keep getting reaped until there's one boy and one girl. (So if 10 girls were reaped before reaping a boy, that district has 11 tributes) ✔️

I need twenty quarter quell ideas. Some people I've been thinking of asking is MadeInWicklow cause he's fabulous, Falluous cause once again, fabulous person, and ElfOfResilience and yes, this is another fabulous person. But I don't even care if they like say no, I just figured it would be cool to I guess you could say collab with some other users XD

I know a lot of the ideas I included effect the reaping, so I figured like each district could get a twist, and then the remaining twists will be twists that l'll add into the games.

If you have any twist ideas, let me know so I could possibly include it if I like it :)

I have nothing at the moment but, you guys can fill in the blanks, and I'll continuously update this chapter as they get filled in.

QQ 1: elect tributes
QQ 2: double the amount of tributes
QQ 3: only victors are reaped
QQ 4:
QQ 5:
QQ 6:
QQ 7:
QQ 8:
QQ 9: keep reaping tributes until there's at least one boy and one girl ✔️ (used)
QQ17: Half amount of tributes✔️
QQ20; All twists combined

If an author lets me use their games, I'll most likely put it down for the quell it was for. The only one I can't do that for is ElfOfResilience so I'll just have to like randomly put that in somewhere.

So please comment down ideas, I love you :)

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