"As inhumane as I am, I still have feelings."

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Madeline Brenden (D3) POV:
I lift the glass of water to my throat and jug half of it.

My stylist suggests, "take a bite of bread."

My stylist happens to be one of the only people in the Capitol who I actually liked and appreciated, since she did such a great job on my chariot and she prepped me so well for the interviews. My killer and ruthless attitude was a complete success. The Capitol people totally ate up my angle, which I would not had been able to do if it wasn't for her.

I follow the advice of my stylist and eat the loaf of bread she brought. I then finish off the water. I walk straight into my tube and she smiles. The only kind of smile I can make is a malicious and twisted one, so I give her that.

My stylist gives me a thumbs up for effort and says, "I'm rooting for you!! Knock 'em dead!"

My twisted smile grows larger as the tube begins to rise. I give my stylist a final goodbye before she sees me on television.

It requires a millisecond for my eyes to adjust, and once I do I immediately pick up on the fact the Capitol wanted to make us seem small since we seem to be at a picnic in a park that's 20 times larger than us.

I spy giant patches of grass above me and an a over sized baby rattle beyond the cornucopia.

I immediately redirect my attention to my victims standing in a circle in front of me.

I'm next to the idiot boy from 6 and Tina from 2. I suddenly hear loud coughing coming from both Ray and Petunia who are standing side by side.

Ray looks like he's completely drunk. His eyes are as puffy as pompoms, and he's drooling a river out of his mouth. I could swear I just saw him twitch. He bursts out hysterical laughing as he stumbles off his plate.

Now, it's my turn to laugh. I cannot help but cackle at seeing Ray in such a deranged and messed up condition. His insides are torn apart, the blood splattering Petunia, Lilac, Hugh, and Cynthia.

Cynthia and Lilac gag at the blood sprayed on them, and that makes me grin even larger. They're such sissies, they'll be so fun to kill. Especially Lilac since she's smaller than I.

Ray's skull is flung at Maybelle, who was also in the general area of that blood mess. The skull catches her off guard, and she falls off as well.

It's a pity she fell, she would have personally have been so much fun to kill. Her screams would have scorched through the entire arena as she would have begged for her precious Zero to save her. He would have shown up far too late, and I would have moved onto him instead.

Zero cries out in agony and sobs over the fact that his wife has perished. I roll my eyes dramatically as he sinks down to his knees the moment the gong sounds.

I quickly pin down the idiot boy from 6 and wrap my hands around his throat and squeeze. His eyes bulge out of his head as his skin turns a beautiful shade of purple. The change in Matthew's skin inspires me to squeeze even tighter, ensuring even the tiniest bit of oxygen couldn't pass it into his lungs. Matthew lies still, and I feel his heart really quick with my elbow, just to discover his pulse is gone.

I smile wickedly, I had the first actual murder in these games, as the other two deaths weren't actually what I consider to be murders.

I only consider a murder to be a murder when someone personally takes the life of another intentionally. It's not a murder if you end someone's life in 'self defense' or if you do it completely accidentally.

I then sprint straight towards the cornucopia, eager to get my hands filthy. Let the slaughtering begin.

Tina Lessen (D2) POV:
As one of the first tributes to reach the cornucopia, I immediately pick up my preferred weapon, a beautiful spear.

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