"...We all fall to the ground, dead in the end."

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Cynthia Brennan (D5) POV:
I cannot help but agree with the reasoning of every tribute getting their own chariot. The Capitol had 24 of them for one of the quarter quells many years ago, and they happened to have one extra just in case one broke.

It would just look bad with more than one tribute on each chariot. With my district and my now large family, I personally believe it would have appeared absolutely ridiculous with 9 tributes on it. We would have been cramped all together, and we'd be so squished one of us would actually have to sit on the horse and we'd probably need someone to hang off the side.

It would look even worse with some chariots having a minimal of 2 tributes on it, so I guess for the first time in a hundred and fifty years, the Capitol made a decision that wasn't all that stupid!

I now get onto my chariot, which is coated with black paint. There's a translucent yellowish colored lightning bolt on each side. Power. The representation of my district, District 5.

Oh how I cannot help but miss the warm nights in District 5 where I would be taking charge of my younger siblings.

Zero was usually in his room with Belle, as we call Maybelle. They've been planning their wedding for months with no end. They planned to have it June 26, which also happened to be the week before the reaping started and I got into this mess.

At their wedding, it was strictly private, not even Belle's mother attended. It was unknown until the reaping on whether she knew or not, where her innocence of what happened was shown.

I was the maid of honor, and my younger sister was the other bridesmaid. We had Xavier be the ring bearer, and allowed Thorn to be a groomsman. We had no flower girl, but who really needs some child to kill of beautiful flowers and toss them onto the air, so they could inevitably fall on the floor?

It reminds me of the Capitol, and how they give the districts so little, which is simply giving them tosses into the air. The little each district has to strive off of is the little boost the flower is given when thrown. Some flowers get tossed higher, which would happen to be the career districts, 1, 2, and 4. But no matter what, we all fall down to the ground, dead in the end.

My stylist attaches a small button onto my chariot. She says that it will light up some time significant during the parade, and it's my responsibility to push it when it lights up.

I nod, and she tells me, "oh and by the way Cynthia, you look astonishing in the outfit I made you!!"

My stylist, System gave me a black dress with several small lightning bolts like the ones on the chariot. They're like a bunch of little lightning bolt polka dots.

She gave me a matching head piece and shoes. I honestly kind of liked the outfit, it represented my district.

I heard a small chime, which probably meant we were off. Petunia from District 1 escaped this room of humidity and heat first, and Matthew from 6 was going to escape it last since he was pulling up the rear.

A lot of tributes still had to go before I did, but that is merely life, and life moves on.

Several minutes later, I am at the front of the line to be submitted out to the crowd. I cant help but anticipate it, I'm dying from the lack of AC in here, and I need some actual air.

The doors finally open and....

Madeline Brenden (D3 POV)
You have got to be kidding. My stylist is an idiot. She dressed me up in a robot costume you'd see in a party city magazine!!

It looks like the stereotypical robot you'd see in cartoons, rectangular body with the exception of arms and legs, and a head shaped like a thick pizza box. It was completely silver, with the exception of a pink bow to keep it cutesy.

It's not even like a cool robot like R2D2 or 3CPO, I'm stuck with the trash my stylist created.

I wanted to tear my stylist to shreds for this, and I can, and I will. I love death, it's just so peculiar and interesting. I love the sensation that comes from murder. It's just so thrilling.

My stylist had attached a button to my chariot and said to push it when it lights up to expose a nature more like me.

If my stylist knows ANYTHING about me, I'll turn into a fearful demon that could could tear you to shreds. Most likely though, a shower of flowers will fly out of the chariot. Flower's patheticness make me want to puke out all my intestines so I cannot physically feel the pain that comes from seeing them no longer, and lay down dead.

The button lights up. I literally have nothing to lose since I'm dressed up a freaking robot that looks more innocent than strawberry shortcake.

I slam on the red button, and my entire costume shreds off revealing a reddish crimson color - the color of blood, and the effect that the blood is flowing off my dress, as if I had just murdered someone, and all their blood got on me.

A red tail and devil horns were also added - the same bloody color - and it didn't look cheap and worthless. It looked like it was actually made by a customized stylist for the games.

I look around at the audience, and glare at them all. They all seem to be looking all around, and they don't seem to know which tribute they should watch.

It should obviously be me though. Come on, let's be realistic. Besides; in a couple of months from now, all these tributes will mean nothing, because they will be dead at my feet. I will be the reigning victor who will end the lives of every tribute here and many more.

There's no argument about it. I will win. I will rule. I will conquer, and I will fly.
Don't forget to vomment DC

PLEASE tell me who you'd like to see more from, and don't hesitate to recommend more twists I could add in.

My phone screen broke 2 days ago, so I couldn't write really cause its kind of herd to see what I'm typing (thank god for autocorrect hahahha) so I had to post a chapter I had already finished.

I have one more finished chapter and then I'm making the chapter where the tribute form, the extra games, sponsoring, and all of the new twists will be planned. I'm kinda excited for it Tbh😂





Answer as many of those questions as you can please 😄

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