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Cynthia Brennan (D5) POV:
The cannons from the initial bloodbath are just starting to sound when Chrys and I have moved into the perfect little shelter.

We fled from the bloodbath. Once Maybelle died and the gong sounded, my sister and I turned around and fled. It was too risky.

Both Xavier and Thorn were already heading towards the cornucopia. Zero was in too deranged of a state to pick up on anything else, so we just left him. I mentally wished them the best of luck, but I doubt I'll be seeing them anytime soon. The only way I'll know if they survived is if their faces don't come up during the anthem tonight.

I know based off of other games, once the anthem has sounded, the careers will have all departed camp to look for tributes to slaughter. That's why the cave Cynth pointed out was perfect. I didn't even notice it.

It was like a giant slope in the ground covered with this flat rock. The cave went under surface level slightly. The slope goes down far enough that we could fit, but not large enough that the cave is clearly there. It's amazing.

It's pretty close to the cornucopia as well, so when the careers leave, Chrys and I will run in and quickly retrieve what we need.

"Do you think we should make temporary weapons in case they leave a guard?" Chrys asks.

I hadn't even thought about that.

"Yeah, we could get some sticks, vines, and stone to create weapons," I reply.

"Then lets get collecting," she smiles at me in our dimly lit cave as we head outside to collect some supplies.

Forrest Lucki (D3) POV:
Since both Alicia and I were able to climb, we found shelter in a gigantic dandelion. The dandelion was up to the point where it turns into one of those dandelions with the little white thingies little kids blow.

I figured none of the careers could possibly climb up here, so we should be safe... well for now at least.

We all know the gamemakers are going to throw some horrific twist at us to get us all together. If it happens to be a mutt that cannot climb or fly, this is probably the best place. If it's something like a fire, we're completely screwed.

That's why I plan on finding a new place to hideaway first thing tomorrow morning.

"Alicia, as this is a good shelter temporarily, we should probably find another place to go tomorrow morning in case they add a twist to the games," I tell her.

"Yeah that would be a good idea, it just sucks we don't know what the twist is. For all we know, we might actually be safer up here. I wish we knew what we up against," Alicia mentions.

"I agree, but this is the hunger games. They're not going to make things easy for us," I explain.

"Yeah," Alicia sighs.

Suddenly, two backpacks attached to a para shoot float down next to us. Alicia and I have gigantic pleasantly surprised looks on our faces. We had no idea anyone liked us!

I read the note on my backpack Forrest, you're doing great. Stick with Alicia, and try and get the two of you out of the games together. Love you, April, Sam, Fright, and Ember.

I didn't know it was possible, but the note makes me grin even larger. I look around for a camera, and once I find one I form a heart with my hands and hold it up towards the camera. I then, begin to search through my backpack.

Petunia Wayhide (D1) POV:
The spray I was given before the initial bloodbath is just starting to wear off as the other careers have gathered our supplies. Although I wasn't sprayed with the Nepro, I was sprayed with a spray that clouds your mind a bit. During the bloodbath, Flint stayed over by me, protecting me while I tried to recover.

Ultimate (thg fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon