District 6 Tributes

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Amethyst Saturn's POV:

Tears continue to flow down my face as I remember my beautiful sister and how courageous she was. She was admitted into the games exactly one year ago, and was brutally murdered in the final two.

They had released angry zombies that resembled the two remaining tribute's families. Last year's victor, Octavius Rex hadn't trusted the mutts, since this was the arena after all. But Topaz, my sister had trusted us all to her fullest ability.

It was my zombie who ended her life, with several critical bites and scratches, which made her bleed uncontrollably, while Octavius escaped his zombified relatives with minimal damage.

I've blamed myself for her death since it happened. If I had ceased to exist, I wouldn't have been the recarnation that destroyed my sister.

Granted, death is an inevitable thing that ultimately can't avoid, but it would have been nice if Topaz could have lived an average life span.

I hear a bell, the reaping bell.

I frantically stand up on my feet, and say one final goodbye to my sister.

Because of my everlasting grief, I'm going to volunteer for the games this year. I can no longer take the shaming faces that come from my family and friends.

They never fully admitted they believe her death was my fault, but the expressions that are marked upon their faces show they blame me.

I skip towards the square as everyone else trudges nervously. The bell that sounded doesn't mark the reaping's beginning, it marks the thirty minute point before the reaping actually starts.

I skip past the bakery, the house where the medic lives, the bank, the train station. I skip quickly past several other buildings I don't account attention to.

I finally arrive at the square, and bolt straight inline to get my finger pricked. My mother happens to be the one working the table this year, and once I reach the front of the line, I hand her my finest finger, allowing her to remove a sample of my blood before she stamps my now damaged finger onto the checking pad.

"Go ahead Amethyst," my mother calmly tells me.

I walk into the square and find the section in destined to join: the thirteen year olds.

Last year was my first reaping, and I was beyond terrified. One year later, and I've ultimately accepted death. One year can seriously take a toll on you.

After what seems to be hours, Madness our escort walk out onto the stage in some sort of trance.

"Your wonderful mayor has been sadly murdered last night, so nobody was able to prepare the Capitol's video, so we don't have to watch it!" Madness laughs.

A district six miracle happens, people clap and cheer. At a reaping.

Nobody ever liked that video anyways, including myself, so good riddance to that.

"I'll just get straight onto the twist! This year, our twist is that our two tributes will be chosen by the crowd. Everyone will vote for this year's tributes. There's no volunteering, so if you wish to join the games and I'm 95% sure none of you actually do because you district six people are boring turds, you may advance to the stage immediately to give us a quick speech on why we should vote for you," Madness cackles.

It's now or never. I emerge from the crowd, and depart from my row. I advance towards the steps before walking up them.

"My name is Amethyst Saturn, and I wish to enter this year's games," I announce as everyone, especially Madness gasps.

Nobody else is courageous enough to walk up and join me, so I begin my speech.

"I wish to enter the games because my sister Topaz was admitted into them last year. She deceased in the final two," I start before being cut off rudely.

"So you wish to avenge your sister and do better than her in the games?" Madness questions.

"No, I wish to die. You see, my sister died because of the ending finale where the tribute's family was presented to them as a zombie of some sort. It was my zombie that ended her life, and I've felt never ending guilt since then. Everyone always blames me for her demise. They may not say it, but they show it and I just can't take it anymore. You see? Me entering the games isn't an attempt for victory, it's s death wish," I sob into a microphone at the top of the stage.

"Thank you Amethyst Saturn! Please keep in mind, it's not mandatory to vote for her, so if you wish to vote for someone else, please do. Voting for a boy is also required, and no boy wants to enter the game, so just vote for whoever you wish!" explains Madness.

I'm allowed to submit my slip first. I walk up to the table, select two slips of paper and a pen before writing my name on one and Matthew Delamore on another. I put the vote for me into the girl's voting basket, and Matthew's vote into the boy's voting basket.

I sit back down on the stage, and the twelve year old girls are beckoned to the stage. They stand in a line, as one writes down who she wishes to admit into the games.

After checking the clock, I determined it has been 2 hours since the voting begun. The votes are now being counted.

It takes several more minutes until two slips of paper are handed to a very bored Madness who perks up when she receives them.

"Our tributes are Amethyst Saturn, who won by an unanimous vote, and Matthew Delamohe," Madness announces, mispronouncing Matthew's last name.

I stand up on the stage as Matthew walks up as well, in a fairly confused state. He's a naturally confused person, and that's most likely why he's in these games with me.

"It's Delamore," Matthew quietly murmurs into the microphone.

"My mistake," giggles Madness, "Mr. Delamore!"

District six is doomed once again. They have a tribute who has a death wish and a tribute who struggles to get a D in school.

Madness announces our names: Matthew and Amethyst, we shake hands, and we head straight inside the justice building to say our quick goodbyes because neither tribute will be coming back.

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