"...my insides started to shriek and tears flooded my face."

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Ray Zapha (D1) POV:
A blaring noise comes from the living room of my apartment in the building where I'll temporarily stay until I compete in the hunger games.

I will be the district one tribute that wins the final games, not Petunia.

I will the tribute that will bludgeon all of the competition to death. The mace welder will enter the games, not the knife thrower.

I race into the living room, and beating Petunia to the best seat.

She has to sit in the second best seat as the best seat was taken. I cannot help but smirk.

Triumph Jimbly smiles at the crowd as she brushes back her curly lime green hair. Lime green is the color she decided to sport for this year's games.

"It's finally time for rhe scores of this year's games. Im going to list each tribute's name and what they got," Triumph begins.

"Ray from district 1 got a 9,
Petunia from district 1 also gets a 9,
Ally from district 2 gets a 8,
Ally's sister Ruby earned herself a 9,
Tina from district 2 got a 10,
Danger from the same district gets a 10 aswell,
Lilac from 2 happened to get herself a 7
And the last person from district 2, Alicia gets a 7. Stay tuned for the rest of the scores!"

I allow that information to sink in. Petunia and I got the same score. Who truly knows which one of us is going to enter the games?"

Amanda Pier (D4) POV:
I groan, and so does Natalie and Hugh. Flint simply yawns. I cannot possibly wait another three and a half minutes for my score to be announced.

I'm expecting a 10 by the very least, and if I get a 9 or under, Im storming straight to Aaryn Sires' office and demanding her to change my score. If she doesn't, the results won't 30be pretty. Aaryn's blood and guts will be plattered all over the floor.

Finally, the television turns back onto the actual show.

Triumph picks up her papers.

She begins again, "Now it's time for our district three and district four tributes!

First, from District 3, Forrest scored himself an 8, next is his partner Madeline! She scored a breathtaking 11 Great job Madeline and Forrest!!"

Triumph fixes her papers and pushes a strand of hair out of her face before continuing,

"Now for District 4! All four tributes, Flint, Amanda, Hugh, and Natalie have scored outstanding 10s!"

Im somewhat satisfied, but I cannot believe they gave that physcopath from 3 an eleven! Someone from 3 getting an 11 normally is straight out absurd, but this girl is mental! Her mentality will probably cause her to step off her platform before the games even begin!

I cant let it get to me. It was probably a mistake, or maybe the judges appreciated her deranged state. I don't even know. Either way, they were probably absolutely drunk and had no idea what they were doing.

At least, I hope so.

Amethyst Saturn (D6) POV:
I yawn, as I've been terribly bored for these last few days. I cannot seem to find excitement in anything anymore, and I can hardly bring myself to eat.

All I've done recently was my Capitol responsibilities such as attending things such as training and the Private Sessions.

Most people could just say I'm depressed, and I am, but it's more than that. It's this inevitable feeling cause of the income of my death.

I have no hope, nor would I want any. If I had hope, maybe I'd survive until the final game. But I cant afford to have hope, if I survive, I would have to live with not only the death of my sister, but by the deaths of many others from these cruel games.

The television begins to blare. Madness, my escort was lucky to get me to get me to come see the scores of the training session. I am in a jovial mood at the moment, and anyone that thinks otherwise obviously hasn't seen me cry and scream before.

Triumph Jimbly sits in a fancy velvet chair behind a shiny mahogany table. She speaks in a fancy posh Capitol accent,

"It's time for our final two district's tributes tk get their time to shine! District 5 is up first! Zero got a 9, Maybelle got a 7, Thorn got a 5, Cynthia got a 8, Chrysanthemum got a 7, Sage got a 8, Syndrome scored an 11 - " I was positive the careers were fuming - "Hailee scored an 8, and Xavier got a 4!"

The group of about 5 other people around me clapped, even Matthew who was probably only clapping because everyone else was.

"Now for District 6! Matthew got a 5, and Amethyst scored a 3. It appears Amethyst is a pale shadow of her older sister."

It was at that moment where my insides began to shriek, and tears flooded my face. I raced faster than I ever had before to my room to let all of my emotions pour out. I yelped in agony, as I heard faint clapping from inside. Matthew. Oh, how I wish I was still that clueless.
OH WOW. That was like really hard to write cause my screen is still cracked 😫😫😫 and I've never really wrote out of the perspective of a depressed person before.

End of chappie questions!
What was your opinion on the chapter?
Petunia or Ray?
Who do you want to hear more from?
Who is your face and who is your least face?
Who do your think will go far?
Who do you hope will go far?
Who do you think will be a bloodbath tribute?
Who do you hope will be a bloodbath tribute?
Who's your favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?

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