District 1 Reaping

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Chapter Dedicated to my first (and currently only reader) ElfOfResilience

District One Reaping:

Petunia Wayhide's POV:

I pick up my next knife, looking down at it's smooth black handle and it's sharp jagged edges. I smirk gruesomely and hold the knife in my proper throwing position, aimed at my trainer who's bent down retrieving my other three knives.

I flick it towards him without another second of hesitation and watch as it impales the dummy behind him. My trainer, Gerry looks up abruptly and his hand immediately locates his ear.

His ear appears to have been cut from the throw, and I can see the blood on the knife that's mantled into the dummy. I can't help but grin. Gerry's confused grin is enough to make the angriest of people laugh.

"That was the third time today!" Gerry complains, "You really are starting to get on my nerves missy, so stop misbehaving immediately!"

"That's no way to treat a tribute," I reply harshly.

I plan on entering the games at today's reaping. I'll try to appear as a more clueless career that has no real talent before the action truly begins, but once the gong signals in the arena, I'll allow my more ruthless side to take over, and I'll demolish any victims lying in my path. I'll slaughter each and every child one way or another, and I will emerge victorious, and live in the never ending riches from the Capitol.

"Whatever," Gerry sighs, "That's time anyways. You have to go get ready for the reaping. You have to look innocent enough to get the other tributes not to fear you immediately."

I've recited my plan to Gerry so many times he knows it inside and out.

I nod and pack up my bag. My pack of ten knives all belong to me.

My father gave them to me for my tenth birthday. I was so happy I got them, and I anticipated many future gifts from him since he promised the rest would be weapons for training. He didn't get the chance to fulfill his promise. He crippled in a fire at work, emerging as a fallen body, dead and not breathing. That is truly when the last string inside me snapped, and I had the first rage inside of me to murder.

My mother and siblings weren't good enough to stop me from feeling this way, they couldn't replace my father.

I march inside my front door, closing it tightly and then racing up into my room. I stepped into my personal bathroom and peeled myself from my clothes before stepping into the shower.

After cleansing myself, I dried myself off with a towel as dark as an eggplant. I threw on a baby pink dress - the most innocent of colors - and blew dried my hair before curling it. I applied blush and light eye shadow to apprehend my innocent appearance.

I lastly threw on some flats that matched my dress and walked down stairs to begin my venture on the long hard path to the reaping square.

Ray Zapha's POV:

I stand proudly in the eighteen year old section in district one. A smirk creeps up onto my lips as I watch everyone enter their rows. I have decided that I'll be volunteering today.

I cannot wait to get in the games and let out all the anger I've had for the past few years. My parents abandoned me to go to the Capitol a few years ago, and my blood has been boiling ever since.

I can let out all my contaminated anger in the games and afterwards, I could possibly afford anger management classes. I really need them.

Once Cara Severn skips out onto the stage, I notice that there's only ONE reaping bowl. Are we getting the nineth quarter quell twist!? That would be epic!

It would like guarantee me a spot in the games.

I spent so much time researching the previous quell twists so I know what to expect.

"Happy Hunger Games! Your handsome mayor Blaise couldn't make it today, as he sadly has caught Fire Fever, so I made it my responsibility to also present you the video from the Capitol we receive the honor of seeing each and every year!"

Right on cue, the video begins. Cara recites the entire video word by word as it plays, which is honestly kind of creepy.

I then redirect my focus on what I'm going to say when I'm reaped.

'Hey, I'm Ray Zapha this year's victor of the hunger games!'

I guess that'll do, I'm not really that good with words so, I guess that's the best I could do.

I then hear Cara speak, "we have received the unfortunateness of quarter quell's 17's twist."

I rack my brain for quarter quell 17's twist.

Quarter quell 17... Quarter quell 17... Dammit. That's the twist where only half the amount of tributes were entered.

"I know, I know. It's exceedingly depressing. The Capitol put everything into a bowl so it would be more random and fair, but the results are clearly quite depressing," Cara sighs.

I have to be first to volunteer then. I'll receive no other shot in my life, so I may as well volunteer now.

All Cara has to do is pull out the slip from the gigantic bowl before I shout, "I volunteer!"

I step out into the aisle, but I look right next to me to see a girl relatively the same age as me also in the aisle.

"I'm sorry, I volunteered. Not you," I apologize to the girl.

"No, I did," she snarled back.

We both storm on stage, arguing back and forth on who was truly first.

By the time we reach Cara, we're pushing and shoving each other debating who was the one to volunteer.

"Stop it!" Cara demands, "or neither of you will be this year's tribute."

We both stop immediately.

"Now apologize," Cara sighs.

"Sorry," we both say under our breaths as we look at our feet.

"You both can come to the Capitol, live the experience, and on the last night before the games, the Capitol will vote on which one of you will be entering the games. You'll both enter the tubes to enter the games, but one of you will be put into one with special Capitol gas called Nepro. Nepro will affect the way you think and you'll end up walking off your platform during the games first sixty seconds," Cara informs us before asking, "at this point do either of you wish to step down? You'll be able to simply advance with your life like none of this ever happened."

Neither of us step down, we seem to both want to get into the games.

"Okay. So that's that. I'm Cara Severn, district one's escort for the 500th annual hunger games with our new potential tributes..." she leads off holding the microphone out to the girl who says, "Petunia Wayhide," and to myself and I say, "Ray Zapha."

"Goodnight everybody!" Cara concludes as Petunia and I are escorted into the justice building to say our goodbyes, which will be temporary for me but permanent for her.

AHHHH! I just finished my first chapter! What do you think about what I did with Ray and Petunia. I was originally going to use this twist but have the crowd vote or something, but ideas formed in my head, and this happened.

Which character do you like better at this point? Petunia or Ray? They're both pretty douchey, but my next chapter defiantly has more like able characters 😂 XD.

At this point in time, which character should advance to the games? Petunia or Ray? Leave your comments down below!!

Oh! And check out my video! What's your thoughts on it??

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