District 4 Reaping

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Trisha Allegiance's POV:

"You blinked!" laughs my five year old brother Derin as I submerge and give into the pain in my eyes.

I blink a few times for good measure and laugh, "Yes, you win."

I had truly won as Derin accidentally blinked about five times, but I wasn't going to be the one to demolish the happiness that came packaged with his victory.

"Alright big boy, I have to go get dressed for the reaping. Okay?" I queried.

"What's the reaping?" Derin asked me cheekily and innocently.

"It's when kids get picked to go on TV!" I told him, partially lying, partially telling the truth.

"Can I be picked to go on TV?" Derin questioned.

"No Derin, you aren't big enough for that yet," I tell him.

"Okay Trissy," he replies using the nickname he made for me.

I make my way upstairs and first brush through my hair. Once I'm through with that, I get dressed in a white and yellow sundress.

I brush my hair once more and put a headband in my hair. I smile in the mirror, and slip the ring my dad gave me for my 16th birthday onto my finger. I fell in love with it's design, I loved everything to the ruby to the engravement on the ring.

I slipped on my flats and returned back downstairs, to walk up to a seemingly bored Derin.

"Trissy!" Derin summons, "Can I come?"

"Mommy and Cinnamon will get you ready in a few minutes. I have to leave right now, or I'll be late and be in big trouble."

Cinnamon was my older sister. Last year was her final reaping, so she's safe. It's not mandatory for her to come anymore, but she promised she would show up just in case I happened to be chosen to be the next tribute.

I trudge down the road and straight into the square. I don't live that far away from the square, that's why I got there so quickly. I was still possibly going to be late, and that was a huge problem.

The lines were noticeably shorter because almost everyone was already inside. I walked straight to a woman with no line and got my finger pricked.

The video from the Capitol was in the middle of being played as I walked in and found my row.

There were a few other stragglers here and there, so I wasn't alone. No real action began yet, so I was good. I showed up on time.

Kendra Lockbarl strolled out onto the stage. She had a starfish in her bright Aqua hair, I guess to symbolize district four.

"Welcome to the final hunger games! The 500th!!" I hear Kendra announce to the crowd.

District four roars like crazy as they always do.

"The twist we received originated from the second quarter quelled hunger games, where there was double the amount of tributes there normally is!" Kendra alerts everyone.

Everyone is noticeably a lot more excited, as the odds of district four winning have just increased.

Kendra walked over to the female bowl and pulls out a slip.

"Our first tribute from district four is Amaya Shades!"

"I volunteer!" I hear ring out from the audience.

A girl rushes out from the eighteen year old aisle and runs up the stage.

"What's your name dear?" Kendra questions.

"I'm Amanda Pier, the eighteen year old girl from district four who will be reigning Panem as the champion of the 500th annual hunger games!" Amanda announces as everyone in the audience cheers.

"Okay sweetie, stand over there," Kendra orders Amanda, as she obliges.

Kendra then pulls out another slip.

"Next... Is Trisha Allegiance!" Kendra announces.

I begin to walk out from the sixteen year old aisle when I hear, "I volunteer!" ring all around the square.

A courageous looking girl from the eighteen year old section is now standing in the aisle, taking my place in the final hunger games.

"My name is Natalie Tetherous, I'm eighteen, and I will personally slaughter more than five tributes in this year's games!" Natalie laughs as the audience cheers.

Creepy and malicious as she is, Natalie saved me. I would have been murdered in the games. I may as well been one of the five Natalie promised on slaughtering.

"And now for the boys!" Kendra announces, looking eerily.


"I volunteer!" A broad voice announces from the front of the room.

A boy who doesn't look as brute as other careers takes the stage. You'd think he was an average tribute, but I know this kid.

His name is Flint and he's a kid genius. He could easily outsmart anyone of the tributes he's going up against. He has a great shot of winning.

"I'm Flint Burlin, and I may look small, but I can sure come home a reigning champion!" Flint proclaims as everyone cheers once more.

"Our final tribute is..."

"I volunteer!"

Another boy jogs out of the eighteen year old row and joins the stage.

"My name is Hugh Asckman, and I'm yet another eighteen year old tribute willing to go all the way to win!"

"That concludes our reaping! Our tributes are, Hugh Asckman, Flint Burlin, Natalie Tetherous and Amanda Pier!" Kendra announces.

I can't help but feel a wave of relief. I'm safe. I'm safe. I can live the rest of my life in peace. Thank you Natalie Tetherous!

I think I'm going to split up the games into two. There will be a game between districts one through six, and once exactly half are alive, the games will end and a game between districts 7-12 will occur and half of those tributes will advance to play the other half from the first game. And then we will get our winner from there.

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